Lines Matching refs:next

572     mDNSu8 pro;             // Type of next header: 0x06 = TCP, 0x11 = UDP, 0x3A = ICMPv6
812 struct TrustAnchor *next;
997 domainname *next; //placeholders are uncommented because C89 in Windows requires that a struct has at least a member.
1234 tcpLNTInfo *next;
1265 NATTraversalInfo *next;
1268 mDNSs32 retryInterval; // Current interval, between last packet we sent and the next one
1269 mDNSs32 retryPortMap; // If Protocol is nonzero, time to send our next mapping packet
1283 // we'd like to get, the next time we meet an accomodating NAT gateway willing to give us one).
1286 // Again, RequestedPort retains the external port we'd like to get the next time we find ourself behind a NAT gateway.
1337 struct McastResolver *next;
1362 struct DNSServer *next;
1454 AuthGroup *next; // Next AuthGroup object in this hash table bucket
1468 for ((AG)=m->rrauth.rrauth_hash[(SLOT)]; (AG); (AG)=(AG)->next) \
1469 for ((AR) = (AG)->members; (AR); (AR)=(AR)->next)
1472 union AuthEntity_union { AuthEntity *next; AuthGroup ag; };
1505 AuthRecord *next; // Next in list; first element of structure for efficiency reasons
1546 AuthRecord *NextResponse; // Link to the next element in the chain of responses to generate
1557 mDNSs32 NextUpdateCredit; // Time next token is added to bucket
1629 // Wrapper struct for Auth Records for higher-level code that cannot use the AuthRecord's ->next pointer field
1632 struct ARListElem *next;
1638 CacheRecord *next; // Next in list; first element of structure for efficiency reasons
1642 CacheRecord *NextInKAList; // Link to the next element in the chain of known answers to send
1671 CacheGroup *next;
1680 CacheGroup *next; // Next CacheGroup object in this hash table bucket
1691 union CacheEntity_union { CacheEntity *next; CacheGroup cg; CacheRecord cr; };
1702 struct HostnameInfo *next;
1714 ExtraResourceRecord *next;
1728 // It contains its own ServiceCallback+ServiceContext to report aggregate results up to the next layer of software above.
1824 struct DomainAuthInfo *next;
1905 DNSQuestion *next;
1909 mDNSs32 ThisQInterval; // LastQTime + ThisQInterval is the next scheduled transmission of this Q
1918 // set the next question interval to MaxQuestionInterval
2083 struct DNameListElem *next;
2097 struct ClientTunnel *next;
2132 NetworkInterfaceInfo *next;
2175 struct SearchListElem *next;
2350 mDNSs32 NextScheduledSPRetry; // Time next sleep proxy registration action is required.
2394 mDNSs32 NextuDNSEvent; // uDNS next event
2493 for ((CG)=m->rrcache_hash[(SLOT)]; (CG); (CG)=(CG)->next) \
2494 for ((CR) = (CG)->members; (CR); (CR)=(CR)->next)