Lines Matching defs:mDNSu32

259 typedef unsigned int32 mDNSu32;
262 typedef unsigned int mDNSu32;
283 typedef union { mDNSu8 b[ 4]; mDNSu32 NotAnInteger; } mDNSOpaque32;
284 typedef packedunion { mDNSu8 b[ 6]; mDNSu16 w[3]; mDNSu32 l[1]; } mDNSOpaque48;
285 typedef union { mDNSu8 b[ 8]; mDNSu16 w[4]; mDNSu32 l[2]; } mDNSOpaque64;
286 typedef union { mDNSu8 b[16]; mDNSu16 w[8]; mDNSu32 l[4]; } mDNSOpaque128;
300 #define bit_set_opaque64(op64, index) (op64.l[((index))/(sizeof(mDNSu32) * mDNSNBBY)] |= (1 << ((index) % (sizeof(mDNSu32) * mDNSNBBY))))
301 #define bit_clr_opaque64(op64, index) (op64.l[((index))/(sizeof(mDNSu32) * mDNSNBBY)] &= ~(1 << ((index) % (sizeof(mDNSu32) * mDNSNBBY))))
302 #define bit_get_opaque64(op64, index) (op64.l[((index))/(sizeof(mDNSu32) * mDNSNBBY)] & (1 << ((index) % (sizeof(mDNSu32) * mDNSNBBY))))
570 mDNSu32 vcf; // Version, Traffic Class, Flow Label
598 mDNSu32 seq;
599 mDNSu32 ack;
610 mDNSu32 seq;
611 mDNSu32 ack;
628 mDNSu32 flags_res; // R/S/O flags and reserved bits
666 mDNSu32 Length;
768 mDNSu32 refresh; // Time in seconds that a slave waits after successful replication of the database before it attempts replication again
769 mDNSu32 retry; // Time in seconds that a slave waits after an unsuccessful replication attempt before it attempts replication again
770 mDNSu32 expire; // Time in seconds that a slave holds on to old data while replication attempts remain unsuccessful
771 mDNSu32 min; // Nominally the minimum record TTL for this zone, in seconds; also used for negative caching.
814 mDNSu32 validFrom;
815 mDNSu32 validUntil;
827 mDNSu32 origTTL;
828 mDNSu32 sigExpireTime;
829 mDNSu32 sigInceptTime;
925 mDNSu32 llqlease;
940 mDNSu32 mDNSv; // mDNSResponder Version (DNS_SD_H defined in dns_sd.h)
948 union { LLQOptData llq; mDNSu32 updatelease; OwnerOptData owner; TracerOptData tracer; } u;
1127 mDNSu32 upseconds; // Time since last NAT engine reboot, in seconds
1138 mDNSu32 NATReq_lease;
1146 mDNSu32 upseconds; // Time since last NAT engine reboot, in seconds
1149 mDNSu32 NATRep_lease;
1193 mDNSu32 lifetime;
1195 mDNSu32 nonce[3];
1209 mDNSu32 lifetime;
1210 mDNSu32 epoch;
1211 mDNSu32 clientAddrParts[3];
1212 mDNSu32 nonce[3];
1294 mDNSu32 Lifetime;
1301 mDNSu32 NATLease; // Requested lifetime in seconds (doesn't change)
1339 mDNSu32 flags; // Set when we're planning to delete this from the list
1341 mDNSu32 timeout; // timeout value for questions
1368 mDNSu32 flags; // Set when we're planning to delete this from the list
1369 mDNSu32 teststate; // Have we sent bug-detection query to this server?
1373 mDNSu32 scoped; // See the scoped enum above
1374 mDNSu32 timeout; // timeout value for questions
1389 mDNSu32 salt;
1399 mDNSu32 rroriginalttl; // In seconds
1403 mDNSu32 namehash; // Name-based (i.e. case-insensitive) hash of name
1404 mDNSu32 rdatahash; // For rdata containing domain name (e.g. PTR, SRV, CNAME etc.), case-insensitive name hash
1455 mDNSu32 namehash; // Name-based (i.e. case insensitive) hash of name
1474 mDNSu32 rrauth_size; // Total number of available auth entries
1475 mDNSu32 rrauth_totalused; // Number of auth entries currently occupied
1476 mDNSu32 rrauth_report;
1556 mDNSu32 UpdateCredits; // Token-bucket rate limiting of excessive updates
1653 mDNSu32 MPUnansweredQ; // Multi-packet query handling: Number of times we've seen a query for this record
1655 mDNSu32 MPUnansweredKA; // Multi-packet query handling: Number of times we've seen this record in a KA list
1672 mDNSu32 namehash;
1681 mDNSu32 namehash; // Name-based (i.e. case insensitive) hash of name
1715 mDNSu32 ClientID; // Opaque ID field to be used by client to map an AddRecord call to a set of Extra records
1745 mDNSu32 NumSubTypes;
1748 mDNSu32 flags; // saved for subsequent calls to mDNS_RegisterService() if records
1895 mDNSu32 querySendCount; // Number of queries that have been sent to DNS servers so far.
1906 mDNSu32 qnamehash;
1915 mDNSu32 RecentAnswerPkts; // Number of answers since the last time we sent this query
1916 mDNSu32 CurrentAnswers; // Number of records currently in the cache that answer this question
1917 mDNSu32 BrowseThreshold; // If we have received at least this number of answers,
1919 mDNSu32 LargeAnswers; // Number of answers with rdata > 1024 bytes
1920 mDNSu32 UniqueAnswers; // Number of answers received with kDNSClass_UniqueRRSet bit set
1932 mDNSu32 RequestUnicast; // Non-zero if we want to send query with kDNSQClass_UnicastResponse bit set
1934 mDNSu32 CNAMEReferrals; // Count of how many CNAME redirections we've done
1970 mDNSu32 ReqLease; // seconds (relative)
1986 mDNSu32 flags; // flags from original DNSService*() API request.
2012 mDNSu32 euid; // Effective User Id of the client that is requesting the question
2051 mDNSu32 Answers;
2084 mDNSu32 uid;
2234 mDNSu32 TotalMemUsed;
2235 mDNSu32 Latency0; // 0 to 4 ms
2236 mDNSu32 Latency5; // 5 to 9 ms
2237 mDNSu32 Latency10; // 10 to 19 ms
2238 mDNSu32 Latency20; // 20 to 49 ms
2239 mDNSu32 Latency50; // 50 to 99 ms
2240 mDNSu32 Latency100; // >= 100 ms
2241 mDNSu32 ExtraPackets0; // 0 to 2 packets
2242 mDNSu32 ExtraPackets3; // 3 to 6 packets
2243 mDNSu32 ExtraPackets7; // 7 to 9 packets
2244 mDNSu32 ExtraPackets10; // >= 10 packets
2245 mDNSu32 SecureStatus;
2246 mDNSu32 InsecureStatus;
2247 mDNSu32 IndeterminateStatus;
2248 mDNSu32 BogusStatus;
2249 mDNSu32 NoResponseStatus;
2250 mDNSu32 NumProbesSent; // Number of probes sent
2251 mDNSu32 MsgSize0; // DNSSEC message size <= 1024
2252 mDNSu32 MsgSize1; // DNSSEC message size <= 2048
2253 mDNSu32 MsgSize2; // DNSSEC message size > 2048
2258 mDNSu32 NameConflicts; // Normal Name conflicts
2259 mDNSu32 KnownUniqueNameConflicts; // Name Conflicts for KnownUnique Records
2260 mDNSu32 DupQuerySuppressions; // Duplicate query suppressions
2261 mDNSu32 KnownAnswerSuppressions; // Known Answer suppressions
2262 mDNSu32 KnownAnswerMultiplePkts; // Known Answer in queries spannign multiple packets
2263 mDNSu32 PoofCacheDeletions; // Number of times the cache was deleted due to POOF
2264 mDNSu32 UnicastBitInQueries; // Queries with QU bit set
2265 mDNSu32 NormalQueries; // Queries with QU bit not set
2266 mDNSu32 MatchingAnswersForQueries; // Queries for which we had a response
2267 mDNSu32 UnicastResponses; // Unicast responses to queries
2268 mDNSu32 MulticastResponses; // Multicast responses to queries
2269 mDNSu32 UnicastDemotedToMulticast; // Number of times unicast demoted to multicast
2270 mDNSu32 Sleeps; // Total sleeps
2271 mDNSu32 Wakes; // Total wakes
2272 mDNSu32 InterfaceUp; // Total Interface UP events
2273 mDNSu32 InterfaceUpFlap; // Total Interface UP events with flaps
2274 mDNSu32 InterfaceDown; // Total Interface Down events
2275 mDNSu32 InterfaceDownFlap; // Total Interface Down events with flaps
2276 mDNSu32 CacheRefreshQueries; // Number of queries that we sent for refreshing cache
2277 mDNSu32 CacheRefreshed; // Number of times the cache was refreshed due to a response
2278 mDNSu32 WakeOnResolves; // Number of times we did a wake on resolve
2303 mDNSu32 mDNS_busy; // Incremented between mDNS_Lock/mDNS_Unlock section
2304 mDNSu32 mDNS_reentrancy; // Incremented when calling a client callback
2328 mDNSu32 RandomReconfirmDelay; // For de-synchronization of reconfirmation queries on the wire
2364 mDNSu32 rrcache_size; // Total number of available cache entries
2365 mDNSu32 rrcache_totalused; // Number of cache entries currently occupied
2366 mDNSu32 rrcache_totalused_unicast; // Number of cache entries currently occupied by unicast
2367 mDNSu32 rrcache_active; // Number of cache entries currently occupied by records that answer active questions
2368 mDNSu32 rrcache_report;
2389 mDNSu32 NumFailedProbes;
2414 mDNSu32 WABBrowseQueriesCount; // Number of WAB Browse domain enumeration queries (b, db) callers
2415 mDNSu32 WABLBrowseQueriesCount; // Number of legacy WAB Browse domain enumeration queries (lb) callers
2416 mDNSu32 WABRegQueriesCount; // Number of WAB Registration domain enumeration queries (r, dr) callers
2426 mDNSu32 PCPNonce[3]; // the nonce if using PCP
2429 mDNSu32 LastNATupseconds; // NAT engine uptime in seconds, from most recent NAT packet
2472 mDNSu32 dp_ipintf[MaxIp]; // input interface index list from the DNS Proxy Client
2473 mDNSu32 dp_opintf; // output interface index from the DNS Proxy Client
2478 mDNSu32 AutoTargetServices; // # of services that have AutoTarget set
2479 mDNSu32 NumAllInterfaceRecords; // Right now we count *all* multicast records here. Later we may want to change to count interface-specific records separately. (This count includes records on the DuplicateRecords list too.)
2480 mDNSu32 NumAllInterfaceQuestions; // Right now we count *all* multicast questions here. Later we may want to change to count interface-specific questions separately.
2663 CacheEntity *rrcachestorage, mDNSu32 rrcachesize,
2676 extern void mDNS_GrowCache (mDNS *const m, CacheEntity *storage, mDNSu32 numrecords);
2685 extern mStatus mDNS_Update (mDNS *const m, AuthRecord *const rr, mDNSu32 newttl,
2693 extern mStatus mDNS_Reconfirm_internal(mDNS *const m, CacheRecord *const rr, mDNSu32 interval);
2749 mDNSu16 rrtype, mDNSu32 ttl, mDNSu8 RecordType, AuthRecType artype, mDNSRecordCallback Callback, void *Context);
2765 AuthRecord *SubTypes, mDNSu32 NumSubTypes,
2766 mDNSInterfaceID InterfaceID, mDNSServiceCallback Callback, void *Context, mDNSu32 flags);
2767 extern mStatus mDNS_AddRecordToService(mDNS *const m, ServiceRecordSet *sr, ExtraResourceRecord *extra, RData *rdata, mDNSu32 ttl, mDNSu32 flags);
2776 const mDNSInterfaceID InterfaceID, mDNSRecordCallback Callback, void *Context, mDNSu32 flags);
2784 const mDNSInterfaceID InterfaceID, mDNSu32 flags,
2815 extern mDNSu32 SetValidDNSServers(mDNS *m, DNSQuestion *question);
2915 extern mDNSu32 mDNS_vsnprintf(char *sbuffer, mDNSu32 buflen, const char *fmt, va_list arg);
2916 extern mDNSu32 mDNS_snprintf(char *sbuffer, mDNSu32 buflen, const char *fmt, ...) IS_A_PRINTF_STYLE_FUNCTION(3,4);
2917 extern mDNSu32 NumCacheRecordsForInterfaceID(const mDNS *const m, mDNSInterfaceID id);
3005 extern void RecreateNATMappings(mDNS *const m, const mDNSu32 waitTicks);
3028 const mDNSIPPort port, mDNSu32 scoped, mDNSu32 timeout, mDNSBool cellIntf, mDNSu16 resGroupID, mDNSBool reqA,
3033 extern McastResolver *mDNS_AddMcastResolver(mDNS *const m, const domainname *d, const mDNSInterfaceID interface, mDNSu32 timeout);
3112 extern mDNSu32 mDNSPlatformStrLen ( const void *src);
3113 extern void mDNSPlatformMemCopy ( void *dst, const void *src, mDNSu32 len);
3114 extern mDNSBool mDNSPlatformMemSame (const void *dst, const void *src, mDNSu32 len);
3115 extern int mDNSPlatformMemCmp (const void *dst, const void *src, mDNSu32 len);
3116 extern void mDNSPlatformMemZero ( void *dst, mDNSu32 len);
3121 extern void * mDNSPlatformMemAllocate (mDNSu32 len);
3132 extern mDNSu32 mDNSPlatformRandomNumber(void);
3134 extern mDNSu32 mDNSPlatformRandomSeed (void);
3161 extern mDNSInterfaceID mDNSPlatformInterfaceIDfromInterfaceIndex(mDNS *const m, mDNSu32 ifindex);
3162 extern mDNSu32 mDNSPlatformInterfaceIndexfromInterfaceID(mDNS *const m, mDNSInterfaceID id, mDNSBool suppressNetworkChange);
3204 extern void mDNSPlatformSendKeepalive(mDNSAddr *sadd, mDNSAddr *dadd, mDNSIPPort *lport, mDNSIPPort *rport, mDNSu32 seq, mDNSu32 ack, mDNSu16 win);
3223 extern void mDNSPlatformPreventSleep(mDNS *const m, mDNSu32 timeout, const char *reason);
3304 extern CacheRecord *CreateNewCacheEntry(mDNS *const m, const mDNSu32 slot, CacheGroup *cg, mDNSs32 delay, mDNSBool Add, const mDNSAddr *sourceAddress);
3305 extern CacheGroup *CacheGroupForName(const mDNS *const m, const mDNSu32 slot, const mDNSu32 namehash, const domainname *const name);
3307 extern void ScheduleNextCacheCheckTime(mDNS *const m, const mDNSu32 slot, const mDNSs32 event);
3309 extern void GrantCacheExtensions(mDNS *const m, DNSQuestion *q, mDNSu32 lease);
3311 const domainname *const name, const mDNSu32 namehash, const mDNSu16 rrtype, const mDNSu16 rrclass, mDNSu32 ttl_seconds,
3329 extern AuthGroup *AuthGroupForName(AuthHash *r, const mDNSu32 slot, const mDNSu32 namehash, const domainname *const name);
3330 extern AuthGroup *AuthGroupForRecord(AuthHash *r, const mDNSu32 slot, const ResourceRecord *const rr);
3525 #define MD5_BLOCK_LONG (MD5_BLOCK_BYTES / sizeof(mDNSu32))
3529 mDNSu32 A,B,C,D;
3530 mDNSu32 Nl,Nh;
3531 mDNSu32 data[MD5_BLOCK_LONG];
3563 char assert8[(sizeof(mDNSu32) == 4 ) ? 1 : -1];
3603 mDNSu32 initializeDeviceInfoTXT(mDNS *m, mDNSu8 *ptr);