Lines Matching defs:target

477         // the target name is still the same), and then when we stop question B, UpdateQuestionDuplicates
480 // those cases the newly re-appended question A has a different target name and therefore cannot be
906 const domainname *target;
916 target = GetServiceTarget(m, rr);
917 if (!target || target->c[0] == 0)
919 // defer registration until we've got a target
920 LogInfo("SetUnicastTargetToHostName No target for %s", ARDisplayString(m, rr));
926 LogInfo("SetUnicastTargetToHostName target %##s for resource record %s", target->c, ARDisplayString(m,rr));
927 return target;
931 // Right now this only applies to mDNS (.local) services where the target host is always m->MulticastHostname
935 domainname *const target = GetRRDomainNameTarget(&rr->resrec);
938 if (!target) LogInfo("SetTargetToHostName: Don't know how to set the target of rrtype %s", DNSTypeName(rr->resrec.rrtype));
944 else { if (target) target->c[0] = 0; SetNewRData(&rr->resrec, mDNSNULL, 0); return; }
947 if (target && SameDomainName(target, newname))
948 debugf("SetTargetToHostName: Target of %##s is already %##s", rr->>c, target->c);
950 if (target && !SameDomainName(target, newname))
952 AssignDomainName(target, newname);
992 // the target becomes available, the records will be reregistered.
1022 // the records are deregistered due to e.g., no target for the SRV record, we would have returned from above if it
1024 // to sleep, then it is okay to start in Pending state as we will go back to NoTarget state if we don't have a target.
1225 domainname *target = GetRRDomainNameTarget(&rr->resrec);
1317 // Make sure target is not uninitialized data, or we may crash writing debugging log messages
1318 if (rr->AutoTarget && target) target->c[0] = 0;
1390 // If we have no target record yet, SetTargetToHostName will set rr->state == regState_NoTarget
1394 // Initialize the target so that we don't crash while logging etc.
1415 rr->resrec.rdatahash = target ? DomainNameHashValue(target) : RDataHashValue(&rr->resrec);
1866 // For SRV records, automatically add the Address record(s) for the target host
1872 rr->resrec.rdatahash == rr2->resrec.namehash && // ... whose name is the name of the SRV target
1873 SameDomainName(&rr->resrec.rdata->, rr2->
2206 // at the Ethernet-layer we unicast the packet to the intended target, to avoid wasting network bandwidth.
2255 if (op == NDP_Sol) // Neighbor Solicitation. The NDP "target" is the address we seek.
2257 // 0x3E NDP target.
2275 else // Neighbor Advertisement. The NDP "target" is the address we're giving information about.
2277 // 0x3E NDP target.
2494 rr->resrec.rdatahash == r2->resrec.namehash && // ... whose name is the name of the SRV target
2495 SameDomainName(&rr->resrec.rdata->, r2-> &&
3527 // No target hardware address
3528 // IPv6 target address is address we're probing
3869 // broadcast is the only reliable way to get a wakeup packet to the intended target machine.
3870 // For 802.11 WPA networks, where a sleeping target machine may have missed a broadcast/multicast
3871 // key rotation, unicast is the only way to get a wakeup packet to the intended target machine.
6166 // 1. Got the SRV record; now look up the target host's IP address
6169 AssignDomainName(&question->qname, &answer->rdata->;
6175 // 2. Got an IPv4 address for the target host; record address and initiate an SPS registration if appropriate
6186 // 3. Got negative response -- target host apparently has IPv6 disabled -- so try looking up the target host's IPv4 address(es) instead
6194 // 4. Got the target host's IPv6 link-local address; record address and initiate an SPS registration if appropriate
8080 domainname *target = GetRRDomainNameTarget(&cr->resrec);
8087 if (target && cr->resrec.rdatahash == rr->namehash && SameDomainName(target, rr->name))
10395 SameQTarget(q, question) && // and same unicast/multicast target settings
12133 AssignDomainName(&query->qAv4.qname, &answer->rdata->;
12135 AssignDomainName(&query->qAv6.qname, &answer->rdata->;
12140 // If this is not our first answer, only re-issue the address query if the target host name has changed
12142 !SameDomainName(&query->qAv4.qname, &answer->rdata->
12146 if (SameDomainName(&query->qAv4.qname, &answer->rdata-> && !PortChanged)
12150 // 2. The interface ID is different, but the target host and port are the same
12159 AssignDomainName(&query->qAv4.qname, &answer->rdata->;
12161 AssignDomainName(&query->qAv6.qname, &answer->rdata->;
12172 query->Answers, query->qSRV.qname.c, answer->rdata->,
12601 set->RR_PTR.AutoTarget = Target_AutoHost; // Tell mDNS that the target of this PTR is to be kept in sync with our host name
13288 // If the optional target host parameter is set, then the storage it points to must remain valid for the lifetime of the service registration
13381 // Setting AutoTarget tells DNS that the target of this SRV is to be automatically kept in sync with our host name
13382 if (host && host->c[0]) AssignDomainName(&sr->RR_SRV.resrec.rdata->, host);
13383 else { sr->RR_SRV.AutoTarget = Target_AutoHost; sr->RR_SRV.resrec.rdata->[0] = '\0'; }
13399 // that if the SRV cannot find a target, rest of the records that belong to this service
13489 const domainname *host = sr->RR_SRV.AutoTarget ? mDNSNULL : &sr->RR_SRV.resrec.rdata->;
13605 if (host && host->c[0]) AssignDomainName(&rr->resrec.rdata->, host);
13822 rr->AddressProxy.type == mDNSAddrType_IPv6 && mDNSSameIPv6Address(rr->AddressProxy.ip.v6, ndp->target))
13834 intf->ifname, msg, sha, spa, &ndp->target, &rr->WakeUp.HMAC, &rr->WakeUp.IMAC, ARDisplayString(m, rr));
13845 SendNDP(m, NDP_Adv, NDP_Solicited, rr, &ndp->target, mDNSNULL, spa, sha);
13847 SendNDP(m, NDP_Adv, 0, rr, &ndp->target, mDNSNULL, &AllHosts_v6, &AllHosts_v6_Eth);
13853 debugf("NDP from self for %.16a", &ndp->target);
13859 // Hence it is the NDP target address we care about, not the actual packet source address.
13860 if (ndp->type == NDP_Adv) spa = &ndp->target;
13869 sha, spa, &ndp->target, &rr->WakeUp.HMAC, &rr->WakeUp.IMAC, ARDisplayString(m, rr));
13877 ndp->type == NDP_Sol ? "Solicitation " : "Advertisement", sha, spa, &ndp->target, ARDisplayString(m, rr));
13882 sha, spa, &ndp->target, &rr->WakeUp.HMAC, &rr->WakeUp.IMAC, ARDisplayString(m, rr));