Lines Matching refs:resrec

167         if (rr->resrec.InterfaceID == id)
1390 rr->resrec.RecordType = RecordType;
1391 rr->resrec.InterfaceID = InterfaceID;
1392 rr-> = &rr->namestorage;
1393 rr->resrec.rrtype = rrtype;
1394 rr->resrec.rrclass = kDNSClass_IN;
1395 rr->resrec.rroriginalttl = ttl;
1396 rr->resrec.rDNSServer = mDNSNULL;
1397 rr->resrec.AnonInfo = mDNSNULL;
1398 // rr->resrec.rdlength = MUST set by client and/or in mDNS_Register_internal
1399 // rr->resrec.rdestimate = set in mDNS_Register_internal
1400 // rr->resrec.rdata = MUST be set by client
1403 rr->resrec.rdata = RDataStorage;
1406 rr->resrec.rdata = &rr->rdatastorage;
1407 rr->resrec.rdata->MaxRDLength = sizeof(RDataBody);
1440 rr->zone = rr->;
1845 ResourceRecord *rr = &ar->resrec;
2499 ptr = putDomainNameAsLabels(msg, ptr, limit, rr->;
2501 ptr[0] = (mDNSu8)(rr->resrec.rrtype >> 8); // Put type
2502 ptr[1] = (mDNSu8)(rr->resrec.rrtype & 0xFF);
2503 ptr[2] = (mDNSu8)(rr->resrec.rrclass >> 8); // Put class
2504 ptr[3] = (mDNSu8)(rr->resrec.rrclass & 0xFF);
2542 prereq.resrec.rrtype = kDNSQType_ANY;
2543 prereq.resrec.rrclass = kDNSClass_NONE;
2611 rr.resrec.rrclass = NormalMaxDNSMessageData;
2612 rr.resrec.rdlength = sizeof(rdataOPT); // One option in this OPT record
2613 rr.resrec.rdestimate = sizeof(rdataOPT);
2614 rr.resrec.rdata->u.opt[0].opt = kDNSOpt_Lease;
2615 rr.resrec.rdata->u.opt[0].u.updatelease = lease;
2616 ptr = PutResourceRecordTTLJumbo(msg, ptr, &msg->h.numAdditionals, &rr.resrec, 0);
2626 rr.resrec.rrclass = NormalMaxDNSMessageData;
2627 rr.resrec.rdlength = sizeof(rdataOPT); // One option in this OPT record
2628 rr.resrec.rdestimate = sizeof(rdataOPT);
2629 rr.resrec.rdata->u.opt[0].opt = kDNSOpt_Lease;
2630 rr.resrec.rdata->u.opt[0].u.updatelease = lease;
2631 ptr = PutResourceRecordTTLWithLimit(msg, ptr, &msg->h.numAdditionals, &rr.resrec, 0, limit);
2644 rr.resrec.rrclass = 4096;
2645 rr.resrec.rdlength = 0;
2646 rr.resrec.rdestimate = 0;
2649 end = PutResourceRecordTTLWithLimit(msg, end, &msg->h.numAdditionals, &rr.resrec, ttl, limit);
2665 hinfo.resrec.rroriginalttl = 0;
2669 hinfo.resrec.rdlength = len;
2670 hinfo.resrec.rdestimate = len;
2671 newptr = PutResourceRecordTTLWithLimit(msg, end, &msg->h.numAdditionals, &hinfo.resrec, 0, limit);
2854 switch (rr->resrec.rrtype)
2939 rr->resrec.rdlength = rdlength;
3132 rr->resrec.rdlength = savelen + DomainNameLength(&name);
3134 if (rr->resrec.rdlength > MaximumRDSize)
3136 LogInfo("SetRData: Malformed NAPTR rdlength %d, rr->resrec.rdlength %d, "
3137 "bmaplen %d, name %##s", rdlength, rr->resrec.rdlength, name.c);
3145 mDNSu8 *dataend = rr->resrec.rdata->;
3146 rdataOPT *opt = rr->resrec.rdata->u.opt;
3147 rr->resrec.rdlength = 0;
3216 rr->resrec.rdlength = (mDNSu16)((mDNSu8*)opt - rr->resrec.rdata->;
3263 rr->resrec.rdlength = DomainNameLength(&name) + bmaplen;
3266 if (rr->resrec.rdlength > MaximumRDSize)
3268 LogInfo("SetRData: Malformed NSEC rdlength %d, rr->resrec.rdlength %d, "
3269 "bmaplen %d, name %##s", rdlength, rr->resrec.rdlength, name.c);
3322 rr->resrec.rdlength = rdlength;
3345 LogInfo("SetRData: Malformed name for TSIG/TKEY type %d", rr->resrec.rrtype);
3350 rr->resrec.rdlength = dlen + rlen;
3388 LogInfo("SetRData: Not enough bytes for signature type %d", rr->resrec.rrtype);
3391 rr->resrec.rdlength = rdlength;
3402 rr->resrec.rdlength = rdlength;
3413 rr->resrec.rdlength = rdlength;
3419 rr->resrec.rrtype, DNSTypeName(rr->resrec.rrtype));
3425 rr->resrec.rdlength = rdlength;
3440 if (largecr == &m->rec && m->rec.r.resrec.RecordType)
3444 rr-> = &largecr->namestorage;
3462 rr->resrec.InterfaceID = InterfaceID;
3463 rr->resrec.rDNSServer = mDNSNULL;
3467 rr->resrec.namehash = DomainNameHashValue(rr->;
3471 rr->resrec.rrtype = (mDNSu16) ((mDNSu16)ptr[0] << 8 | ptr[1]);
3472 rr->resrec.rrclass = (mDNSu16)(((mDNSu16)ptr[2] << 8 | ptr[3]) & kDNSClass_Mask);
3473 rr->resrec.rroriginalttl = (mDNSu32) ((mDNSu32)ptr[4] << 24 | (mDNSu32)ptr[5] << 16 | (mDNSu32)ptr[6] << 8 | ptr[7]);
3474 if (rr->resrec.rroriginalttl > 0x70000000UL / mDNSPlatformOneSecond && (mDNSs32)rr->resrec.rroriginalttl != -1)
3475 rr->resrec.rroriginalttl = 0x70000000UL / mDNSPlatformOneSecond;
3489 rr->resrec.rdata = (RData*)&rr->smallrdatastorage;
3490 rr->resrec.rdata->MaxRDLength = MaximumRDSize;
3495 DNSTypeName(rr->resrec.rrtype), pktrdlength, rr->resrec.rdata->MaxRDLength);
3499 if (!RecordType) LogMsg("GetLargeResourceRecord: No RecordType for %##s", rr->>c);
3506 if (rr->resrec.rrclass == kDNSQClass_ANY && pktrdlength == 0) // Used in update packets to mean "Delete An RRset" (RFC 2136)
3507 rr->resrec.rdlength = 0;
3511 SetNewRData(&rr->resrec, mDNSNULL, 0); // Sets rdlength, rdestimate, rdatahash for us
3514 rr->resrec.RecordType = RecordType;
3520 rr->resrec.RecordType = kDNSRecordTypePacketNegative;
3521 rr->resrec.rdlength = 0;
3522 rr->resrec.rdestimate = 0;
3523 rr->resrec.rdatahash = 0;
3599 // it is caller's responsibilty to clear m->rec.r.resrec.RecordType after use
3608 if (ptr && m->rec.r.resrec.RecordType != kDNSRecordTypePacketNegative) return(&m->rec.r.resrec.rdata->u.opt[0]);
3620 if (ptr && m->rec.r.resrec.rdlength >= DNSOpt_LeaseData_Space && m->rec.r.resrec.rdata->u.opt[0].opt == kDNSOpt_Lease)
3621 result = m->rec.r.resrec.rdata->u.opt[0].u.updatelease;
3622 m->rec.r.resrec.RecordType = 0; // Clear RecordType to show we're not still using it
3637 if (ptr) LogMsg("%2d TTL%8d %s", i, largecr.r.resrec.rroriginalttl, CRDisplayString(m, &largecr.r));