Lines Matching refs:mDNSNULL

157     if (next) return(next->InterfaceID);else return(mDNSNULL);
346 *salt = mDNSNULL;
679 d1 = d2 = d3 = d4 = d5 = mDNSNULL;
734 if (parent && parent->c[0] == 0) parent = mDNSNULL;
769 // AppendLiteralLabelString returns mDNSNULL.
781 if (*cstr) return(mDNSNULL); // Failure: We didn't successfully consume all input
791 // AppendDNSNameString returns mDNSNULL.
800 if (*cstr == '.') { LogMsg("AppendDNSNameString: Illegal empty label in name \"%s\"", cstring); return(mDNSNULL); }
820 return(mDNSNULL);
825 if (*cstr) return(mDNSNULL); // Failure: We didn't successfully consume all input
833 // AppendDomainLabel returns mDNSNULL.
840 if (label->c[0] > MAX_DOMAIN_LABEL) return(mDNSNULL);
843 if (ptr + 1 + label->c[0] + 1 > name->c + MAX_DOMAIN_NAME) return(mDNSNULL);
858 if (ptr + 1 + src[0] > lim) return(mDNSNULL);
887 // MakeDomainNameFromDNSNameString returns mDNSNULL.
899 if (len > MAX_DOMAIN_LABEL) return(mDNSNULL); // If illegal label, abort
931 if (src + 1 + *src >= max) return(mDNSNULL);
933 if (!ptr) return(mDNSNULL);
1034 mDNSASLLog(mDNSNULL, "serviceType.nameTooLong", "noop", typeBuf, "");
1037 if (len < 2 || len >= 0x40 || (len > 16 && !SameDomainName(domain, &localdomain))) return(mDNSNULL);
1052 mDNSASLLog(mDNSNULL, "serviceType.nameWithUnderscore", "noop", typeBuf, "");
1062 mDNSASLLog(mDNSNULL, "serviceType.nameWithIllegalCharacters", "noop", typeBuf, "");
1085 return(mDNSNULL);
1178 return mDNSNULL;
1192 return mDNSNULL;
1396 rr->resrec.rDNSServer = mDNSNULL;
1397 rr->resrec.AnonInfo = mDNSNULL;
1411 rr->Additional1 = mDNSNULL;
1412 rr->Additional2 = mDNSNULL;
1413 rr->DependentOn = mDNSNULL;
1414 rr->RRSet = mDNSNULL;
1441 rr->nta = mDNSNULL;
1442 rr->tcp = mDNSNULL;
1481 q->qnameOrig = mDNSNULL;
1482 q->AnonInfo = mDNSNULL;
1979 const domainname *const name = estimate ? rr->name : mDNSNULL;
2107 if (*domname == 0) return(mDNSNULL); // There's no point trying to match just the root label
2142 return(mDNSNULL);
2147 // msg points to the message we're building (pass mDNSNULL if we don't want to use compression pointers)
2158 const mDNSu8 * pointer = mDNSNULL;
2161 if (!ptr) { LogMsg("putDomainNameAsLabels %##s ptr is null", name->c); return(mDNSNULL); }
2165 if (ptr >= limit) return(mDNSNULL);
2171 { LogMsg("Malformed domain name %##s (label more than 63 bytes)", name->c); return(mDNSNULL); }
2183 { LogMsg("Malformed domain name %##s (more than 256 bytes)", name->c); return(mDNSNULL); }
2189 if (ptr+2 > limit) return(mDNSNULL); // If we don't have two bytes of space left, give up
2199 if (ptr + 1 + len >= limit) return(mDNSNULL);
2228 // msg points to the message we're building (pass mDNSNULL for "msg" if we don't want to use compression pointers)
2235 { debugf("putRData: Illegal length %d for kDNSType_A", rr->rdlength); return(mDNSNULL); }
2236 if (ptr + 4 > limit) return(mDNSNULL);
2249 if (!ptr) return(mDNSNULL);
2251 if (!ptr || ptr + 20 > limit) return(mDNSNULL);
2266 case kDNSType_DHCID: if (ptr + rr->rdlength > limit) return(mDNSNULL);
2273 case kDNSType_KX: if (ptr + 3 > limit) return(mDNSNULL);
2278 if (!ptr) return(mDNSNULL);
2282 case kDNSType_PX: if (ptr + 5 > limit) return(mDNSNULL);
2285 if (!ptr) return(mDNSNULL);
2290 { debugf("putRData: Illegal length %d for kDNSType_AAAA", rr->rdlength); return(mDNSNULL); }
2291 if (ptr + sizeof(rdb->ipv6) > limit) return(mDNSNULL);
2295 case kDNSType_SRV: if (ptr + 7 > limit) return(mDNSNULL);
2313 return mDNSNULL;
2392 if (!ptr) { LogInfo("putRData: Can't put name, Length %d, record %##s", limit - save, rr->name->c); return(mDNSNULL); }
2395 if (ptr + 2 + i > limit) { LogInfo("putRData: Can't put window, Length %d, i %d, record %##s", limit - ptr, i, rr->name->c); return(mDNSNULL); }
2411 { LogMsg("putRData: invalid length %d", len); return mDNSNULL; }
2417 { LogMsg("putRData: invalid window length %d", wlen); return mDNSNULL; }
2419 { LogMsg("putRData: invalid window %d", win); return mDNSNULL; }
2424 if (ptr + rr->rdlength > limit) { LogMsg("putRData: NSEC rdlength beyond limit %##s (%s), ptr %p, rdlength %d, limit %p", rr->name->c, DNSTypeName(rr->rrtype), ptr, rr->rdlength, limit); return(mDNSNULL);}
2433 if (ptr + rr->rdlength > limit) return(mDNSNULL);
2446 const DNSMessage *const rdatacompressionbase = (IsUnicastUpdate(msg) && rr->rrtype == kDNSType_SRV) ? mDNSNULL : msg;
2457 return(mDNSNULL);
2461 // If we're out-of-space, return mDNSNULL
2466 return(mDNSNULL);
2483 return(mDNSNULL);
2500 if (!ptr || ptr + 10 > limit) return(mDNSNULL); // If we're out-of-space, return mDNSNULL
2514 if (!ptr || ptr+4 >= limit) return(mDNSNULL); // If we're out-of-space, return mDNSNULL
2527 if (!ptr || ptr + 4 > limit) return mDNSNULL; // If we're out-of-space, return NULL
2540 mDNS_SetupResourceRecord(&prereq, mDNSNULL, mDNSInterface_Any, kDNSQType_ANY, kStandardTTL, 0, AuthRecordAny, mDNSNULL, mDNSNULL);
2574 if (!ptr || ptr + 10 >= limit) return mDNSNULL; // If we're out-of-space, return mDNSNULL
2594 if (!ptr || ptr + 10 >= limit) return mDNSNULL; // If we're out-of-space, return mDNSNULL
2610 mDNS_SetupResourceRecord(&rr, mDNSNULL, mDNSInterface_Any, kDNSType_OPT, kStandardTTL, kDNSRecordTypeKnownUnique, AuthRecordAny, mDNSNULL, mDNSNULL);
2617 if (!ptr) { LogMsg("ERROR: putUpdateLease - PutResourceRecordTTL"); return mDNSNULL; }
2625 mDNS_SetupResourceRecord(&rr, mDNSNULL, mDNSInterface_Any, kDNSType_OPT, kStandardTTL, kDNSRecordTypeKnownUnique, AuthRecordAny, mDNSNULL, mDNSNULL);
2632 if (!ptr) { LogMsg("ERROR: putUpdateLeaseWithLimit - PutResourceRecordTTLWithLimit"); return mDNSNULL; }
2641 mDNS_SetupResourceRecord(&rr, mDNSNULL, mDNSInterface_Any, kDNSType_OPT, kStandardTTL, kDNSRecordTypeKnownUnique, AuthRecordAny, mDNSNULL, mDNSNULL);
2650 if (!end) { LogMsg("ERROR: putDNSSECOption - PutResourceRecordTTLWithLimit"); return mDNSNULL; }
2662 mDNS_SetupResourceRecord(&hinfo, mDNSNULL, mDNSInterface_Any, kDNSType_HINFO, 0, kDNSRecordTypeUnique, AuthRecordAny, mDNSNULL, mDNSNULL);
2719 { debugf("skipDomainName: Illegal ptr not within packet boundaries"); return(mDNSNULL); }
2728 { debugf("skipDomainName: Malformed domain name (overruns packet end)"); return(mDNSNULL); }
2730 { debugf("skipDomainName: Malformed domain name (more than 256 characters)"); return(mDNSNULL); }
2735 case 0x40: debugf("skipDomainName: Extended EDNS0 label types 0x%X not supported", len); return(mDNSNULL);
2736 case 0x80: debugf("skipDomainName: Illegal label length 0x%X", len); return(mDNSNULL);
2746 const mDNSu8 *nextbyte = mDNSNULL; // Record where we got to before we started following pointers
2751 { debugf("getDomainName: Illegal ptr not within packet boundaries"); return(mDNSNULL); }
2765 { debugf("getDomainName: Malformed domain name (overruns packet end)"); return(mDNSNULL); }
2767 { debugf("getDomainName: Malformed domain name (more than 256 characters)"); return(mDNSNULL); }
2774 return(mDNSNULL);
2776 case 0x80: debugf("getDomainName: Illegal label length 0x%X in domain name %##s", len, name->c); return(mDNSNULL);
2782 { debugf("getDomainName: Illegal compression pointer not within packet boundaries"); return(mDNSNULL); }
2784 { debugf("getDomainName: Compression pointer must point to real label"); return(mDNSNULL); }
2798 if (!ptr) { debugf("skipResourceRecord: Malformed RR name"); return(mDNSNULL); }
2800 if (ptr + 10 > end) { debugf("skipResourceRecord: Malformed RR -- no type/class/ttl/len!"); return(mDNSNULL); }
2803 if (ptr + pktrdlength > end) { debugf("skipResourceRecord: RDATA exceeds end of packet"); return(mDNSNULL); }
2818 return mDNSNULL;
2827 return mDNSNULL;
2832 return mDNSNULL;
3443 rr->next = mDNSNULL;
3446 rr->NextInKAList = mDNSNULL;
3451 rr->CRActiveQuestion = mDNSNULL;
3460 rr->NextInCFList = mDNSNULL;
3463 rr->resrec.rDNSServer = mDNSNULL;
3466 if (!ptr) { debugf("GetLargeResourceRecord: Malformed RR name"); return(mDNSNULL); }
3469 if (ptr + 10 > end) { debugf("GetLargeResourceRecord: Malformed RR -- no type/class/ttl/len!"); return(mDNSNULL); }
3486 if (ptr + pktrdlength > end) { debugf("GetLargeResourceRecord: RDATA exceeds end of packet"); return(mDNSNULL); }
3511 SetNewRData(&rr->resrec, mDNSNULL, 0); // Sets rdlength, rdestimate, rdatahash for us
3530 if (!ptr) { debugf("skipQuestion: Malformed domain name in DNS question section"); return(mDNSNULL); }
3531 if (ptr+4 > end) { debugf("skipQuestion: Malformed DNS question section -- no query type and class!"); return(mDNSNULL); }
3542 if (!ptr) { debugf("Malformed domain name in DNS question section"); return(mDNSNULL); }
3543 if (ptr+4 > end) { debugf("Malformed DNS question section -- no query type and class!"); return(mDNSNULL); }
3595 return(mDNSNULL);
3610 return(mDNSNULL);
3815 "TLS" : sock ? "TCP" : "UDP", mDNSNULL,
3876 return mDNSNULL;