Lines Matching refs:phyint

32 struct phyint *phyints = NULL;
35 static void phyint_print(struct phyint *pi);
36 static void phyint_insert(struct phyint *pi);
41 static void prefix_insert(struct phyint *pi, struct prefix *pr);
47 static void adv_prefix_insert(struct phyint *pi, struct adv_prefix *adv_pr);
51 static void router_insert(struct phyint *pi, struct router *dr);
60 struct phyint *
63 struct phyint *pi;
75 struct phyint *
78 struct phyint *pi;
90 struct phyint *
93 struct phyint *pi;
99 pi = (struct phyint *)calloc(sizeof (struct phyint), 1);
110 * been explicitly set for the phyint.
154 phyint_insert(struct phyint *pi)
166 * Initialize both the phyint data structure and the pi_sock for
171 phyint_init_from_k(struct phyint *pi)
473 phyint_delete(struct phyint *pi)
514 * for the phyint itself (excluding prefixes and routers).
518 phyint_timer(struct phyint *pi, uint_t elapsed)
557 * If the phyint has been unplumbed, we don't want to call
572 phyint_print(struct phyint *pi)
637 * Store the LLA for the phyint `pi' `lifrp'. Returns 0 on success, or
644 phyint_get_lla(struct phyint *pi, struct lifreq *lifrp)
648 /* If this phyint doesn't have a link-layer address, bail */
680 phyint_reach_random(struct phyint *pi, boolean_t set_needed)
715 struct phyint *pi;
759 tmptoken_create(struct phyint *pi)
826 tmptoken_delete(struct phyint *pi)
852 tmptoken_timer(struct phyint *pi, uint_t elapsed)
992 prefix_lookup(struct phyint *pi, struct in6_addr prefix, int prefixlen)
1069 prefix_lookup_name(struct phyint *pi, char *name)
1096 struct phyint *pi;
1124 prefix_create(struct phyint *pi, struct in6_addr prefix, int prefixlen,
1160 prefix_create_name(struct phyint *pi, char *name)
1181 prefix_insert(struct phyint *pi, struct prefix *pr)
1230 struct phyint *pi = pr->pr_physical;
1367 struct phyint *pi;
1404 struct phyint *pi = pr->pr_physical;
1489 struct phyint *pi = pr->pr_physical;
1920 adv_prefix_lookup(struct phyint *pi, struct in6_addr prefix, int prefixlen)
1944 adv_prefix_create(struct phyint *pi, struct in6_addr prefix, int prefixlen)
1971 adv_prefix_insert(struct phyint *pi, struct adv_prefix *adv_pr)
1989 struct phyint *pi;
2058 router_lookup(struct phyint *pi, struct in6_addr addr)
2082 router_create(struct phyint *pi, struct in6_addr addr, uint_t lifetime)
2108 router_insert(struct phyint *pi, struct router *dr)
2126 struct phyint *pi;
2225 struct phyint *pi = dr->dr_physical;
2269 struct phyint *pi = dr->dr_physical;
2317 struct phyint *pi;
2325 phyint_cleanup(struct phyint *pi)
2352 struct phyint *pi = pr->pr_physical;