Lines Matching +defs:hpf +defs:font +defs:lock +defs:idname

11 (defconst hpf-mode-version "0.1"
14 (defgroup hpf nil
17 :prefix "hpf-")
19 (defvar hpf-mode-hook nil)
20 (defvar hpf-mode-map (let ((keymap (make-keymap)))
26 (defvar hpf-running-xemacs
32 (defvar hpf-mode-syntax-table nil
35 (if hpf-mode-syntax-table
49 (setq hpf-mode-syntax-table table))
53 (defun hpf-vars ()
67 (defface hpf-black-komma-face
72 (defface hpf-blue-komma-face
77 (defvar hpf-black-komma-face 'hpf-black-komma-face
80 (defvar hpf-annotation-face 'hpf-annotation-face
82 (setq hpf-annotation-face 'font-lock-constant-face)
84 (defvar hpf-name-face 'hpf-name-face)
85 (setq hpf-name-face 'font-lock-variable-name-face)
87 (defvar hpf-keyword-face 'hpf-keyword-face)
88 (setq hpf-keyword-face 'font-lock-keyword-face)
90 (defvar hpf-library-name-face 'hpf-library-name-face)
91 (setq hpf-library-name-face 'font-lock-type-face)
93 (defvar hpf-builtin-face 'hpf-builtin-face)
94 (setq hpf-builtin-face 'font-lock-builtin-face)
96 (defvar hpf-comment-face 'hpf-comment-face)
97 (setq hpf-comment-face 'font-lock-comment-face)
99 (defvar hpf-other-name-face 'hpf-other-name-face)
101 (setq hpf-other-name-face 'hpf-blue-komma-face)
102 (setq hpf-other-name-face 'font-lock-function-name-face)
105 (defvar hpf-string-char-face 'hpf-string-char-face)
106 (setq hpf-string-char-face 'font-lock-string-face)
109 ;; "Warning: Do not design an element of font-lock-keywords to match
111 ;; font-lock-fontify-buffer handles multi-line patterns correctly,
119 (defconst hpf-font-lock-specialcomment
121 '("#.*$" (0 (symbol-value 'hpf-comment-face) keep t)))
124 (defconst hpf-font-lock-keywords
125 (append hpf-font-lock-specialcomment
130 (2 (symbol-value 'hpf-keyword-face) keep t))
133 (2 (symbol-value 'hpf-keyword-face) keep t))
136 (2 (symbol-value 'hpf-keyword-face) keep t)
137 (3 (symbol-value 'hpf-other-name-face) keep t)
138 (5 (symbol-value 'hpf-other-name-face) keep t)
139 (7 (symbol-value 'hpf-other-name-face) keep t))
143 (defconst hpf-font-lock-idname
144 (append hpf-font-lock-keywords
148 (2 (symbol-value 'hpf-library-name-face) keep t))
153 (2 (symbol-value 'hpf-other-name-face) keep t))
156 (3 (symbol-value 'hpf-builtin-face) keep t))
159 (3 (symbol-value 'hpf-other-name-face) keep t))
163 (defconst hpf-font-lock-string
164 (append hpf-font-lock-idname
166 (0 (symbol-value 'hpf-string-char-face) keep t))
171 ;; (defvar hpf-font-lock-syntax-highligthing hpf-font-lock-keywords
172 (defvar hpf-font-lock-syntax-highligthing (symbol-value 'hpf-font-lock-string)
176 ;; hpf major mode setup
178 (defun hpf-mode ()
181 (hpf-vars)
182 (setq major-mode 'hpf-mode)
185 (use-local-map hpf-mode-map)
187 (set-syntax-table hpf-mode-syntax-table)
188 ;; (hpf-create-syntax-table)
190 (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
191 (setq font-lock-defaults
192 '(hpf-font-lock-syntax-highligthing))
193 (make-local-variable 'font-lock-keywords-only)
194 (setq font-lock-keywords-only nil)
197 (run-hooks 'hpf-mode-hook)
199 (provide 'hpf-mode)