Lines Matching defs:tt

51 The {\sc Csp-Casl} parser is being programmed as a part of {\tt Hets} and uses relative paths within the directory structure of {\tt Hets}. 
52 Consequently, the directory containing the {\sc Csp-Casl} parser has to be a direct subdirectory of {\tt Hets}. No special characters
53 are allowed, the name '{\tt CspCASL}' may/should not be altered.
60 {\bf GNU make}, {\tt /usr/local/bin/perl} and {\tt /usr/local/bin/bash} are required, too.
61 \item All required sources must have been checked out using '{\tt cvs up -Pd}' in the top\\
62 directory {\tt HetCATS(Hets)}, followed by
63 \item '{\tt make distclean}' for Linux and '{\tt gmake distclean}' for Solaris users to clean up, then
64 \item '{\tt make hets} ' for Linux and '{\tt gmake hets}' for Solaris users to generate needed\\
66 \item '{\tt cd CspCASL}' and call the script '{\tt ghc-call}', which calls {\bf ghc} with the needed options.
68 If no error occured, the executable '{\tt c3po}' was created.
74 '{\tt c3po testfile.csp-casl}'.
78 '{\tt c3po t1.csp-casl t2.csp-casl} (...)'
80 For testing reasons, a script named '{\tt tests}' can be called, which will parse all files in the same directory with the suffix '{\tt csp-casl}'.
84 \subsection{Top-level directory {\tt Hets} \& {\tt Hets/CASL}}
86 {\sc Csp-Casl} depends primary on {\sc Casl}, which depends on many other sources of {\tt Hets}. For detailed information about {\sc Casl}, you can find the documentation here:
90 For detailed information about {\tt Hets}, you can find the documentation here:
95 \subsection{Directory {\tt Hets/CspCasl}}