Lines Matching refs:document

58             oConfig.element = document.createElement('DIV');
74 var cont = document.createElement('DIV');
545 this._titlebar = document.createElement('DIV');
548 var h2 = document.createElement('h2');
554 var collapse = document.createElement('SPAN');
606 this._dragHandle = document.createElement('SPAN');
671 var div = document.createElement('DIV');
675 var label = document.createElement('h3');
683 var ul = document.createElement('ul');
693 var li = document.createElement('li');
713 var li = document.createElement('li');
817 var icon = document.createElement('span');
821 var a = document.createElement('a');
924 //This will keep the document from gaining focus and the editor from loosing it..
964 this._sep = document.createElement('SPAN');
1003 var picker = document.createElement('div');
1008 document.body.appendChild(picker);
1100 _b1 = document.createElement('a'),
1101 _b2 = document.createElement('a');
1556 var element_cont = document.createElement('DIV');
1564 var div = document.createElement('div');
1568 oConfig.attributes.toolbar_cont = document.createElement('DIV');
1575 var editorWrapper = document.createElement('DIV');
1606 var ifrmDom = document.createElement('iframe');
1801 //if (this.get && this.get('iframe') && this.get('iframe').get && this.get('iframe').get('element') && this.get('iframe').get('element').contentWindow && this.get('iframe').get('element').contentWindow.document) {
1809 if (this.get('iframe').get('element').contentWindow.document) {
1810 value = this.get('iframe').get('element').contentWindow.document;
1862 * @description Determines if there is a selection in the editor document.
1957 * @description Sets the designMode of the iFrame document.
1968 * @description Toggles the designMode of the iFrame document on and off.
1983 * @description This method is fired from _checkLoaded when the document is ready. It turns on designMode and set's up the listeners.
2044 * @description This method will open the iframes content document and write the textareas value into it, then start the body.onload checking.
2277 YAHOO.log('Found an A tag in the document, converting to span holder', 'info', 'Editor');
2352 * @description Handles all click events inside the iFrame document.
2367 * @description Handles all mouseup events inside the iFrame document.
2373 * @knownissue Opera appears to stop the MouseDown, Click and DoubleClick events on an image inside of a document with designMode on..
2392 //This will stop Safari from selecting the entire document if you select all the text in the editor
2405 * @description Handles all mousedown events inside the iFrame document.
2423 * @description Handles all doubleclick events inside the iFrame document.
2444 * @description Handles all keyup events inside the iFrame document.
2469 * @description Handles all keypress events inside the iFrame document.
2479 * @description Handles all keydown events inside the iFrame document.
2740 this.afterElement = document.createElement('h2');
2785 * @description The Title of the HTML document that is created in the iFrame
3054 * @description The default HTML to be written to the iframe document before the contents are loaded
3057 <p><code>onload="document.body._rteLoaded = true;"</code> : the onload statement must be there or the editor will not finish loading.</p>
3072 &lt;body onload="document.body._rteLoaded = true;"&gt;
3081 value: attr.html || '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-/'+'/W3C/'+'/DTD HTML 4.01/'+'/EN" "http:/'+'/"><html><head><title>{TITLE}</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /><style>{CSS}</style><style>{HIDDEN_CSS}</style></head><body onload="document.body._rteLoaded = true;">{CONTENT}</body></html>',
3133 this._mask = document.createElement('DIV');
3333 this.dompath = document.createElement('DIV');
3382 var div = document.createElement('div');
3387 document.body.appendChild(div);
3561 var body = document.createElement('div');
3564 var tbarCont = document.createElement('div');
3569 var div = document.createElement('div');
3643 var hw = document.createElement('div');
3839 //No url/src given, remove the node from the document
3884 var body = document.createElement('div');
3887 var unlinkCont = document.createElement('div');
3889 var unlink = document.createElement('a');
4028 this.beforeElement = document.createElement('h2');
4397 * It will then search the document for a span with the font-family set to <strong>yui-tmp</strong> and replace that with another span that has other information in it, then assign the new span to
4663 * @description Renders the panel used for Editor Windows to the document so we can start using it..
4686 this.get('panel').render(document.body);
4690 this.get('panel').render(document.body);
4706 Event.addListener(document, 'keypress', this._closeWindow, this, true);
4723 body = document.createElement('div');
4726 var _note = document.createElement('h3');
4730 form = document.createElement('form');
4744 var _tmp = document.createElement('div');
4748 var _close = document.createElement('span');
4755 var _knob = document.createElement('span');
4760 var _header = document.createElement('h3');
4957 Event.removeListener(document, 'keypress', this._closeWindow);
5005 * @description Event is fired after the editor iframe's document fully loads and fires it's onload event. From here you can start injecting your own things into the document. See <a href="YAHOO.util.Element.html#addListener">Element.addListener</a> for more information on listening for this event.