Lines Matching defs:loptstr

315 # define	loptstr(lstr, sstr)	lstr
318 # define loptstr(lstr, sstr) sstr
338 fprintf (stderr, "\t-c file%s", loptstr (", --config=file\n", ""));
340 fprintf (stderr, "\t-O optstr%s", loptstr (", --config-option=\"optstr\"\n", ""));
342 fprintf (stderr, "\t-h%s\t no headline or trusted-key section header/trailer in -T mode\n", loptstr (", --nohead", "\t"));
343 fprintf (stderr, "\t-d%s\t skip directory arguments\n", loptstr (", --directory", "\t"));
344 fprintf (stderr, "\t-L%s\t print the domain name left justified (default: %s)\n", loptstr (", --leftjust", "\t"), ljustflag ? "on": "off");
345 fprintf (stderr, "\t-l list%s", loptstr (", --label=\"list\"\n\t", ""));
347 fprintf (stderr, "\t-C[term]%s", loptstr (", --color[=\"term\"]\n\t", ""));
349 fprintf (stderr, "\t-p%s\t show path of keyfile / create key in current directory\n", loptstr (", --path", "\t"));
350 fprintf (stderr, "\t-r%s\t recursive mode on/off (default: %s)\n", loptstr(", --recursive", "\t"), recflag ? "on": "off");
351 fprintf (stderr, "\t-s%s\t change sorting of subdomains\n", loptstr(", --subdomain", "\t"));
352 fprintf (stderr, "\t-a%s\t print age of key (default: %s)\n", loptstr (", --age", "\t"), ageflag ? "on": "off");
353 fprintf (stderr, "\t-t%s\t print key generation time (default: %s)\n", loptstr (", --time", "\t"),
355 fprintf (stderr, "\t-e%s\t print key expiration time\n", loptstr (", --expire", "\t"));
356 fprintf (stderr, "\t-f%s\t print key lifetime\n", loptstr (", --lifetime", "\t"));
357 fprintf (stderr, "\t-k%s\t key signing keys only\n", loptstr (", --ksk", "\t"));
358 fprintf (stderr, "\t-z%s\t zone signing keys only\n", loptstr (", --zsk", "\t"));