Lines Matching refs:failed

122 tc, #.#, expect_helpers, death_but_pass, failed, Test case was expected to terminate abruptly but it continued execution
124 tc, #.#, expect_helpers, exit_but_pass, failed, Test case was expected to exit cleanly but it continued execution
126 tc, #.#, expect_helpers, fail_and_fail_check, expected_failure, And fail again: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
128 tc, #.#, expect_helpers, fail_but_pass, failed, Test case was expecting a failure but none were raised
130 tc, #.#, expect_helpers, pass_but_fail_check, failed, 1 checks failed; see output for more details
131 tc, #.#, expect_helpers, pass_but_fail_requirement, failed, Some reason
133 tc, #.#, expect_helpers, signal_but_pass, failed, Test case was expected to receive a termination signal but it continued execution
136 tc, #.#, expect_helpers, timeout_but_pass, failed, Test case was expected to hang but it continued execution
137 tp, #.#, expect_helpers, failed
153 fail_and_fail_check: [#.#s] Expected failure: And fail again: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
157 pass_but_fail_check: [#.#s] Failed: 1 checks failed; see output for more details
171 expect_helpers:fail_and_fail_check: And fail again: 2 checks failed as expected; see output for more details
182 7 failed test cases.
183 9 expected failed test cases.
262 tc, #.#, dir1/tp2, main, failed, This always fails
263 tp, #.#, dir1/tp2, failed
266 tc, #.#, tp4, main, failed, This always fails
267 tp, #.#, tp4, failed
316 2 failed test cases.
317 0 expected failed test cases.
350 <failed>This always fails</failed>
360 <failed>This always fails</failed>
364 <failed>Invalid format for test case list: 1: Unexpected token \`&lt;&lt;NEWLINE&gt;&gt;'; expected \`:'</failed>