Lines Matching refs:BIT

100 #define BIT	1
203 { "parenb", BIT, C_FLAG, 0, PARENB, PARENB, C("Enable (disable) parity generation and detection") },
204 { "parodd", BIT, C_FLAG, 0, PARODD, PARODD, C("Use odd (even) parity") },
206 { "parext", BIT, C_FLAG, 0, PAREXT, PAREXT },
209 { "cread", BIT, C_FLAG, SS, CREAD, CREAD, C("Enable (disable) input") },
215 { "hupcl", BIT, C_FLAG, 0, HUPCL, HUPCL, C("Hangup (do not hangup) connection on last close") },
216 { "hup", BIT, C_FLAG, IG, HUPCL, HUPCL, C("Same as \bhupcl\b") },
217 { "cstopb", BIT, C_FLAG, 0, CSTOPB, CSTOPB, C("Use two (one) stop bits") },
219 { "crtscts", BIT, C_FLAG, 0, CRTSCTS, CRTSCTS, C("Enable (disable) RTS/CTS handshaking") },
221 { "clocal", BIT, C_FLAG, NL, CLOCAL, CLOCAL, C("Disable (enable) modem control signals") },
223 { "ignbrk", BIT, I_FLAG, US, IGNBRK, IGNBRK, C("Ignore (do not ignore) break characters") },
224 { "brkint", BIT, I_FLAG, SS, BRKINT, BRKINT, C("Generate (do not generate) INTR signal on break") },
225 { "ignpar", BIT, I_FLAG, 0, IGNPAR, IGNPAR, C("Ignore (do not ignore) characters with parity errors") },
226 { "parmrk", BIT, I_FLAG, 0, PARMRK, PARMRK, C("Mark (do not mark) parity errors") },
227 { "inpck", BIT, I_FLAG, 0, INPCK, INPCK, C("Enable (disable) input parity checking") },
228 { "istrip", BIT, I_FLAG, 0, ISTRIP, ISTRIP, C("Clear (do not clear) high bit of input characters") },
229 { "inlcr", BIT, I_FLAG, US, INLCR, INLCR, C("Translate (do not translate) carriage return to newline") },
230 { "igncr", BIT, I_FLAG, US, IGNCR, IGNCR, C("Ignore (do not ignore) carriage return") },
232 { "iuclc", BIT, I_FLAG, US, IUCLC, IUCLC, C("Map (do not map) upper-case to lower case") },
234 { "ixon", BIT, I_FLAG, 0, IXON, IXON, C("Enable (disable) XON/XOFF flow control. \bstop\b character stops output") },
236 { "ixany", BIT, I_FLAG, US, IXANY, IXANY, C("Any character (only start character) can restart output.") },
237 { "decctlq", BIT, I_FLAG, IG, IXANY, 0, C("Same as \b-ixany\b") },
239 { "ixoff", BIT, I_FLAG, US, IXOFF, IXOFF, C("Disable (enable) XON/XOFF flow control") },
241 { "imaxbel", BIT, I_FLAG, SS, IMAXBEL, IMAXBEL, C("Beep (do not beep) if a character arrives with full input buffer") },
243 { "icrnl", BIT, I_FLAG, NL|SS, ICRNL, ICRNL, C("Translate (do not translate) carriage return to newline") },
245 { "isig", BIT, L_FLAG, SS, ISIG, ISIG, C("Enable (disable) \bintr\b, \bquit\b, and \bsusp\b special characters") },
246 { "icanon", BIT, L_FLAG, SS, ICANON, ICANON, C("Enable (disable) \berase\b, \bkill\b, \bwerase\b, and \brprnt\b special characters") },
247 { "icannon", BIT, L_FLAG, SS, ICANON, ICANON },
249 { "iexten", BIT, L_FLAG, SS, IEXTEN, IEXTEN, C("Enable (disable) non-POSIX special characters") },
251 { "echo", BIT, L_FLAG, SS, ECHO|ECHONL, ECHO|ECHONL, C("Echo (do not echo) input characters") },
252 { "echoe", BIT, L_FLAG, SS, ECHOE, ECHOE, C("Echo (do not echo) erase characters as backspace-space-backspace") },
253 { "echok", BIT, L_FLAG, SS, ECHOK, ECHOK, C("Echo (do not echo) a newline after a kill character") },
255 { "echoke", BIT, L_FLAG, SS, ECHOKE, ECHOKE, C("Echo (do not echo) a newline after a kill character") },
257 { "lfkc", BIT, L_FLAG, IG, ECHOK, ECHOK, C("Same as \bechok\b (\b-echok\b); obsolete") },
258 { "echonl", BIT, L_FLAG, SS, ECHONL, ECHONL,"Echo (do not echo) newline even if not echoing other character" },
260 { "echoctl", BIT, L_FLAG, SS, ECHOCTL, ECHOCTL, C("Echo (do not echo) control characters as \b^\b\ac\a") },
265 { "echoprt", BIT, L_FLAG, US, ECHOPRT, ECHOPRT, C("Echo (do not echo) erased characters backward, between '\\' and '/'") },
270 { "xcase", BIT, L_FLAG, US, XCASE, XCASE, C("Enable (disable) \bicanon\b uppercase as lowercase with '\\' prefix") },
273 { "defecho", BIT, L_FLAG, 0, DEFECHO, DEFECHO },
276 { "flusho", BIT, L_FLAG, 0, FLUSHO, FLUSHO, C("Discard (do not discard) written data. Cleared by subsequent input") },
279 { "pendin", BIT, L_FLAG, 0, PENDIN, PENDIN, C("Redisplay pending input at next read and then automatically clear \bpendin\b") },
281 { "noflsh", BIT, L_FLAG, US, NOFLSH, NOFLSH, C("Disable (enable) flushing after \bintr\b and \bquit\b special characters") },
283 { "tostop", BIT, L_FLAG, NL|US, TOSTOP, TOSTOP, C("Stop (do not stop) background jobs that try to write to the terminal") },
286 { "olcuc", BIT, O_FLAG, US, OLCUC, OLCUC, C("Translate (do not translate) lowercase characters to uppercase") },
289 { "onlcr", BIT, O_FLAG, SS, ONLCR, ONLCR, C("Translate (do not translate) newline to carriage return-newline") },
292 { "onlret", BIT, O_FLAG, US, ONLRET, ONLRET, C("Newline performs (does not perform) a carriage return") },
295 { "ocrnl", BIT, O_FLAG, US, OCRNL, OCRNL, C("Translate (do not translate) carriage return to newline") },
298 { "onocr", BIT, O_FLAG, US, ONOCR, ONOCR, C("Do not (do) print carriage returns in the first column") },
301 { "ofill", BIT, O_FLAG, US, OFILL, OFILL, C("Use fill characters (use timing) for delays") },
304 { "ofdel", BIT, O_FLAG, US, OFDEL, OFDEL, C("Use DEL (NUL) as fill characters for delays") },
306 { "opost", BIT, O_FLAG, SS, OPOST, OPOST, C(" Postprocess (do not postprocess) output") },
369 case BIT:
493 case BIT:
528 else if(tp->type==BIT)
647 if(!(tp=lookup(cp)) || (off && (tp->type!=BIT) && (tp->type!=TABS)))
662 case BIT: case BITS:
828 if(Ttable[i].field==field && Ttable[i].type==BIT && *Ttable[i].description)
943 else if (!(tp = lookup(argv[opt_info.index]+1)) || (tp->type != BIT && tp->type != TABS))