Lines Matching refs:match

137 		then	err_exit "$pattern does not match $string"
257 var=$($SHELL -c 'v=/vin:/usr/vin r=vin; : ${v//vin/${r//v/b}};typeset -p .sh.match') 2> /dev/null
258 [[ $var == 'typeset -a .sh.match=((vin vin) )' ]] || err_exit '.sh.match not correct when replacement pattern contains a substring match'
267 [[ ${.sh.match[0]} == dfg ]] || err_exit '.sh.match[0] not dfg'
268 [[ ${.sh.match[1]} == d ]] || err_exit '.sh.match[1] not d'
269 [[ ${.sh.match[2]} == g ]] || err_exit '.sh.match[2] not g'
272 [[ ${.sh.match[1]} == ddd ]] || err_exit '.sh.match[1] not ddd'
299 [[ $(string=$string $SHELL -c ": \${string/$pattern/}; print \${.sh.match[26]}") == Z ]] || err_exit -u2 'sh.match[26] not Z'
301 (( ${[@]} == 53 )) || err_exit '.sh.match has wrong number of elements'
302 [[ ${.sh.match[@]:2:4} == 'B C D E' ]] || err_exit '${.sh.match[@]:2:4} incorrect'
500 if [[ ax == @(a)* ]] && [[ ${.sh.match[1]:0:${[1]}} != a ]]
501 then err_exit '${.sh.match[1]:1:${[1]}} not expanding correctly'
587 [[ $A == $A ]] || err_exit 'With A="|", [[ $A == $A ]] does not match'
591 [[ -v .sh.match[0] ]] || err_exit '[[ -v .sh.match[0] ]] should be true'
592 [[ -v .sh.match[3] ]] || err_exit '[[ -v .sh.match[3] ]] should be true'
593 [[ -v .sh.match[4] ]] && err_exit '[[ -v .sh.match[4] ]] should be false'
594 [[ ${[@]} == 4 ]] || err_exit "\${[@]} should be 4, not ${[@]}"
598 [[ ${ print -v .sh.match;} ]] && err_exit 'print -v should show .sh.match empty when there are no matches'
620 [[ $(print -v .sh.match) == "$exp" ]] || err_exit '.sh.match not correct with alternations'
626 [[ $(print -v .sh.match) == $'(\n\t[0]=a\n\t[1]=a\n\t[3]=a\n)' ]] || err_exit '.sh.match not sparse'
660 [[ ${.sh.match} == bbb ]] || err_exit '.sh.match wrong after ${s/~(E)b{2,4}/dummy}'