Lines Matching refs:err_exit
20 function err_exit
26 alias err_exit='err_exit $LINENO'
33 then err_exit "string1:0"
36 then err_exit "string1: -1"
39 then err_exit "string1:0"
42 then err_exit "string1:1"
45 then err_exit "string1:1:4"
48 then err_exit "string1: -5:4"
51 then err_exit "string1:1:j"
54 then err_exit "string1:(j?1:0):j"
57 then err_exit "string1%*zzz*"
60 then err_exit "string1%%*zzz*"
63 then err_exit "string1#*zzz*"
66 then err_exit "string1##*zzz*"
69 then err_exit "string1%+(abc)"
72 then err_exit "string1%%+(abc)"
75 then err_exit "string1%/*"
78 then err_exit '"string1%/*"'
81 then err_exit 'string1%"/*"'
84 then err_exit "string1%%/*"
87 then err_exit "string1#*bar"
90 then err_exit "string1#*bar"
93 then err_exit "string1#@(*/bar|*/foo)"
96 then err_exit "string1##@(*/bar|*/foo)"
99 then err_exit "string1##*/@(bar|foo)"
103 then err_exit "abc#a[b*} != abc"
106 then err_exit '${foo//[0-9]/bar} not expanding correctly'
110 then err_exit "(abc)#( != abc)"
113 then err_exit "(abc)%) != (abc"
117 then err_exit '${foo/[0-9]?/""} not expanding correctly'
120 then err_exit '${foo//[0-9]/""} not expanding correctly'
123 then err_exit '${foo/#a/b} not expanding correctly'
126 then err_exit '${foo/#?/b} not expanding correctly'
129 then err_exit '${foo/%c/b} not expanding correctly'
132 then err_exit '${foo/%?/b} not expanding correctly'
137 then err_exit "$pattern does not match $string"
140 then err_exit "\${$string##$pattern} not null"
143 then err_exit "\"\${$string##$pattern}\" not null"
146 then err_exit "\${$string/$pattern} not null"
149 then err_exit "$pattern matches $string"
160 then err_exit '${xx#*/} != a/b/c/d/e when xx=a/b/c/d/e'
163 then err_exit '${xx//\//\\} not working'
167 then err_exit 'closing brace escape not working'
171 then err_exit '${xx//%28/abc\)} not working'
176 do [[ $(eval print -r -- \"\${xx//:/\\${str:i:1}}\") == "a${str:i:1}b" ]] || err_exit "substitution of \\${str:i:1}} failed"
177 [[ $(eval print -rn -- \"\${xx//:/\'${str:i:1}\'}\") == "a${str:i:1}b" ]] || err_exit "substitution of '${str:i:1}' failed"
178 [[ $(eval print -r -- \"\${xx//:/\"${str:i:1}\"}\") == "a${str:i:1}b" ]] || err_exit "substitution of \"${str:i:1}\" failed"
180 [[ ${xx//:/\\n} == 'a\nb' ]] || err_exit "substituion of \\\\n failed"
181 [[ ${xx//:/'\n'} == 'a\nb' ]] || err_exit "substituion of '\\n' failed"
182 [[ ${xx//:/"\n"} == 'a\nb' ]] || err_exit "substituion of \"\\n\" failed"
183 [[ ${xx//:/$'\n'} == $'a\nb' ]] || err_exit "substituion of \$'\\n' failed"
187 then err_exit 'single quoting / in replacements failed'
190 then err_exit 'double quoting / in replacements failed'
193 then err_exit 'escaping / in replacements failed'
212 then err_exit 'export inside function not working'
216 then err_exit 'export not restored after function call'
219 then err_exit 'export inside function not working with recursive function'
223 then err_exit 'export not restored after recursive function call'
226 then err_exit 'name=value not added to export list with function call'
230 then err_exit 'export not restored name=value function call'
234 then err_exit 'export inside function not working for zzz'
237 then err_exit 'zzz exported after function call'
241 then err_exit '\1 not working with $@'
245 then err_exit '\1 not working with ${var[@]}'
249 then err_exit '${var/+(\w)/Q} not workding'
252 then err_exit '${var//+(\w)/Q} not workding'
255 then err_exit '${var//+(\S)/Q} not workding'
258 [[ $var == 'typeset -a .sh.match=((vin vin) )' ]] || err_exit '.sh.match not correct when replacement pattern contains a substring match'
260 [[ $(print -r -- ${foo//+/'|'}) != 'foo|bar|' ]] && err_exit "\${foobar//+/'|'}"
261 [[ $(print -r -- ${foo//+/"|"}) != 'foo|bar|' ]] && err_exit '${foobar//+/"|"}'
262 [[ $(print -r -- "${foo//+/'|'}") != 'foo|bar|' ]] && err_exit '"${foobar//+/'"'|'"'}"'
263 [[ $(print -r -- "${foo//+/"|"}") != 'foo|bar|' ]] && err_exit '"${foobar//+/"|"}"'
267 [[ ${.sh.match[0]} == dfg ]] || err_exit '.sh.match[0] not dfg'
268 [[ ${.sh.match[1]} == d ]] || err_exit '.sh.match[1] not d'
269 [[ ${.sh.match[2]} == g ]] || err_exit '.sh.match[2] not g'
272 [[ ${.sh.match[1]} == ddd ]] || err_exit '.sh.match[1] not ddd'
276 [[ ${b//$a/\1} == 123 ]] || err_exit "\${var/pattern} not working with \[ in pattern"
279 [[ ${foo/'('/'(x11-'} == '(x11-win32.i386) ' ]] || err_exit "\${var/pattern} not working with ' in pattern"
280 $SHELL -c $'v=\'$(hello)\'; [[ ${v//\'$(\'/-I\'$(\'} == -I"$v" ]]' 2> /dev/null || err_exit "\${var/pattern} not working with \$( as pattern"
282 $SHELL -c '[[ ! ${X[@]:0:300} ]]' 2> /dev/null || err_exit '${X[@]:0:300} with X undefined fails'
283 $SHELL -c '[[ ${@:0:300} == "$0" ]]' 2> /dev/null || err_exit '${@:0:300} with no arguments fails'
285 [[ ${i#{6}(?)} == 04 ]] || err_exit '${i#{6}(?)} not working'
286 [[ ${i#{6,6}(?)} == 04 ]] || err_exit '${i#{6,6}(?)} not working'
289 [[ $(printf "<%s>\n" ${i#' '}) == '<.>' ]] || err_exit 'printf "<%s>\n" ${i#' '} failed'
292 [[ "${x%o}(1)" == "fo(1)" ]] || err_exit 'print ${}() treated as pattern'
299 [[ $(string=$string $SHELL -c ": \${string/$pattern/}; print \${.sh.match[26]}") == Z ]] || err_exit -u2 'sh.match[26] not Z'
301 (( ${[@]} == 53 )) || err_exit '.sh.match has wrong number of elements'
302 [[ ${.sh.match[@]:2:4} == 'B C D E' ]] || err_exit '${.sh.match[@]:2:4} incorrect'
307 [[ ${x/*%(())*/\1} == '(-)' ]] || err_exit $M
309 [[ ${x/*%(())*/\1} == '(-)' ]] || err_exit $M
311 [[ ${x/*%(())*/\1} == '()' ]] || err_exit $M
313 [[ ${x/*%(())*/\1} == '(-\)' ]] || err_exit $M
315 [[ ${x/*%(())*/\1} == '(-\\)' ]] || err_exit $M
317 [[ ${x/*%(())*/\1} == '(-)' ]] || err_exit $M
319 [[ ${x/*%(())*/\1} == '(-)' ]] || err_exit $M
321 [[ ${x/*%(()[])*/\1} == '(-[-]-)' ]] || err_exit $M
323 [[ ${x/*%(()[])*/\1} == '(-)' ]] || err_exit $M
325 [[ ${x/*%(()[])*/\1} == '-(-[-)-]-' ]] || err_exit $M
327 [[ ${x/*%([]())*/\1} == '[-]' ]] || err_exit $M
329 [[ ${x/*%([]())*/\1} == '[-(-)-]' ]] || err_exit $M
331 [[ ${x/*%([]())*/\1} == '-(-[-)-]-' ]] || err_exit $M
334 [[ ${x/*%(())*/\1} == '(-)' ]] || err_exit $M
336 [[ ${x/~(-g)*%(())*/\1} == '((-))-' ]] || err_exit $M
338 [[ ${x/~(-g:*)*%(())*/\1} == '(-)' ]] || err_exit $M
340 [[ ${x/~(+g)*%(())*/\1} == '(-)' ]] || err_exit $M
342 [[ ${x/~(+g:*)*%(())*/\1} == '(-)' ]] || err_exit $M
344 [[ ${x/*(?)*%(())*(?)*/:\1:\2:\3:} == ':-(:(-):)-:' ]] || err_exit $M
346 [[ ${x/~(-g)*(?)*%(())*(?)*/:\1:\2:\3:} == '::((-))::-' ]] || err_exit $M
348 [[ ${x/~(-g:*(?))*%(())*(?)*/:\1:\2:\3:} == '::(-):)-:' ]] || err_exit $M
350 [[ ${x/~(+g)*(?)*%(())*(?)*/:\1:\2:\3:} == ':-(:(-):)-:' ]] || err_exit $M
352 [[ ${x/~(+g:*(?))*%(())*(?)*/:\1:\2:\3:} == ':-(:(-):)-:' ]] || err_exit $M
354 [[ ${x/+([[:alnum:]])*([[:space:]])@(*%(()))*/:\1:\2:\3:} == ':call::(a+b,x/(c/d),(0)):' ]] || err_exit $M
357 [[ ${x/*%(()D${D})*/\1} == '-(-;-)-' ]] || err_exit $M
359 [[ ${x/*%(()D${D})*/\1} == '(-)' ]] || err_exit $M
361 [[ ${x/*%(()D${D})*/\1} == '(-)' ]] || err_exit $M
363 [[ ${x/*%(()D${D}E${E})*/\1} == '(-\;-)' ]] || err_exit $M
365 [[ ${x/*%(()D${D}E${E})*/\1} == '(-)' ]] || err_exit $M
367 [[ ${x/*%(()D${D}E${E})*/\1} == '(-)' ]] || err_exit $M
370 [[ ${x/*%(()Q${Q})*/\1} == '(-")"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
372 [[ ${x/*%(()Q${Q})*/\1} == '(-\")"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
374 [[ ${x/*%(()Q${Q})*/\1} == '(-\")\"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
376 [[ ${x/*%(()Q${S}Q${Q})*/\1} == $'(-\\\'")\\\'-)' ]] || err_exit $M
378 [[ ${x/*%(()Q${S}Q${Q})*/\1} == $'-(-\\\'")"-)-' ]] || err_exit $M
380 [[ ${x/*%(()Q${S}Q${Q})*/\1} == $'(-\\\'")"\'-)' ]] || err_exit $M
382 [[ ${x/*%(()Q${S}Q${Q})*/\1} == $'(-\\"\')\'\\"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
384 [[ ${x/*%(()Q${S}Q${Q})*/\1} == $'-(-\')\\\'\'-)-' ]] || err_exit $M
386 [[ ${x/*%(()L${S}Q${Q})*/\1} == $'(-\'")\'-)' ]] || err_exit $M
388 [[ ${x/*%(()L${S}Q${Q})*/\1} == $'-(-\\\'")"-)-' ]] || err_exit $M
390 [[ ${x/*%(()L${S}Q${Q})*/\1} == $'(-\\\'")"\'-)' ]] || err_exit $M
392 [[ ${x/*%(()L${S}Q${Q})*/\1} == $'(-\\"\')\'\\"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
394 [[ ${x/*%(()L${S}Q${Q})*/\1} == $'-(-\')\\\'\'-)-' ]] || err_exit $M
396 [[ ${x/*%(()Q${Q})*/\1} == '(-")"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
398 [[ ${x/*%(()Q${Q})*/\1} == '(-\")"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
400 [[ ${x/*%(()Q${Q})*/\1} == '(-\")\"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
403 [[ ${x/*%(()E${E})*/\1} == '(-\)-)' ]] || err_exit $M
405 [[ ${x/*%(()E${E})*/\1} == '(-\\)' ]] || err_exit $M
407 [[ ${x/*%(()E${E}Q${Q})*/\1} == '(-\")' ]] || err_exit $M
409 [[ ${x/*%(()E${E}Q${Q})*/\1} == '(-\")' ]] || err_exit $M
411 [[ ${x/*%(()E${E}Q${S}Q${Q})*/\1} == $'-(-\'")"-)-' ]] || err_exit $M
413 [[ ${x/*%(()E${E}Q${S}Q${Q})*/\1} == $'(-\\\'")"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
415 [[ ${x/*%(()E${E}Q${S}Q${Q})*/\1} == $'(-\\"\')\'\\"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
417 [[ ${x/*%(()E${E}L${S}Q${Q})*/\1} == $'(-\\\'")"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
419 [[ ${x/*%(()E${E}L${S}Q${Q})*/\1} == $'(-\\"\')\'\\"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
421 [[ ${x/*%(()E${E}L${S}Q${Q})*/\1} == $'(-\\"\')\\\'\\"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
423 [[ ${x/*%(()E${E}L${S}Q${Q})*/\1} == $'-(-\\"\')\\\'\\"\'-)-' ]] || err_exit $M
426 [[ ${x/*%(()D\;)*/\1} == '-(-;-)-' ]] || err_exit $M
428 [[ ${x/*%(()D\;)*/\1} == '(-)' ]] || err_exit $M
430 [[ ${x/*%(()D\;)*/\1} == '(-)' ]] || err_exit $M
432 [[ ${x/*%(()D\;E\\)*/\1} == '(-\;-)' ]] || err_exit $M
434 [[ ${x/*%(()D\;E\\)*/\1} == '(-)' ]] || err_exit $M
436 [[ ${x/*%(()D\;E\\)*/\1} == '(-)' ]] || err_exit $M
438 [[ ${x/*%(()D\;E\\)*/\1} == '(-)' ]] || err_exit $M
441 [[ ${x/*%(()Q\")*/\1} == '(-")"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
443 [[ ${x/*%(()Q\")*/\1} == '(-\")"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
445 [[ ${x/*%(()Q\")*/\1} == '(-\")\"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
447 [[ ${x/*%(()Q\'Q\")*/\1} == $'(-\\\'")\\\'-)' ]] || err_exit $M
449 [[ ${x/*%(()Q\'Q\")*/\1} == $'-(-\\\'")"-)-' ]] || err_exit $M
451 [[ ${x/*%(()Q\'Q\")*/\1} == $'(-\\\'")"\'-)' ]] || err_exit $M
453 [[ ${x/*%(()Q\'Q\")*/\1} == $'(-\\"\')\'\\"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
455 [[ ${x/*%(()Q\'Q\")*/\1} == $'-(-\')\\\'\'-)-' ]] || err_exit $M
457 [[ ${x/*%(()L\'Q\")*/\1} == $'(-\'")\'-)' ]] || err_exit $M
459 [[ ${x/*%(()L\'Q\")*/\1} == $'-(-\\\'")"-)-' ]] || err_exit $M
461 [[ ${x/*%(()L\'Q\")*/\1} == $'(-\\\'")"\'-)' ]] || err_exit $M
463 [[ ${x/*%(()L\'Q\")*/\1} == $'(-\\"\')\'\\"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
465 [[ ${x/*%(()L\'Q\")*/\1} == $'-(-\')\\\'\'-)-' ]] || err_exit $M
467 [[ ${x/*%(()Q\")*/\1} == '(-")"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
469 [[ ${x/*%(()Q\")*/\1} == '(-\")"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
471 [[ ${x/*%(()Q\")*/\1} == '(-\")\"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
474 [[ ${x/*%(()E\\)*/\1} == '(-\)-)' ]] || err_exit $M
476 [[ ${x/*%(()E\\)*/\1} == '(-\\)' ]] || err_exit $M
478 [[ ${x/*%(()E\\Q\")*/\1} == '(-\")' ]] || err_exit $M
480 [[ ${x/*%(()E\\Q\")*/\1} == '(-\")' ]] || err_exit $M
482 [[ ${x/*%(()E\\Q\'Q\")*/\1} == $'-(-\'")"-)-' ]] || err_exit $M
484 [[ ${x/*%(()E\\Q\'Q\")*/\1} == $'(-\\\'")"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
486 [[ ${x/*%(()E\\Q\'Q\")*/\1} == $'(-\\"\')\'\\"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
488 [[ ${x/*%(()E\\L\'Q\")*/\1} == $'(-\\\'")"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
490 [[ ${x/*%(()E\\L\'Q\")*/\1} == $'(-\\"\')\'\\"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
492 [[ ${x/*%(()E\\L\'Q\")*/\1} == $'(-\\"\')\\\'\\"-)' ]] || err_exit $M
494 [[ ${x/*%(()E\\L\'Q\")*/\1} == $'-(-\\"\')\\\'\\"\'-)-' ]] || err_exit $M
498 [[ $( print $(( ${var%%00} )) ) == 1 ]] || err_exit "arithmetic with embeddded patterns fails"
499 [[ $( print $(( ${var%%$pattern} )) ) == 1 ]] || err_exit "arithmetic with embeddded pattern variables fails"
501 then err_exit '${.sh.match[1]:1:${[1]}} not expanding correctly'
506 [[ ${string/*\(+([!\)])\)*/\1} == "$expected" ]] || err_exit "substring expansion failed '${string/*\(+([!\)])\)*/\1}' returned -- '$expected' expected"
508 then LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 $SHELL -c b1=$'"\342\202\254\342\202\254\342\202\254\342\202\254w\342\202\254\342\202\254\342\202\254\342\202\254"; [[ ${b1:4:1} == w ]]' || err_exit 'multibyte ${var:offset:len} not working correctly'
510 { $SHELL -c 'unset x;[[ ${SHELL:$x} == $SHELL ]]';} 2> /dev/null || err_exit '${var:$x} fails when x is not set'
511 { $SHELL -c 'x=;[[ ${SHELL:$x} == $SHELL ]]';} 2> /dev/null || err_exit '${var:$x} fails when x is null'
555 then err_exit "i='$1'; \${i/~($2)$3/\\(\\0\\)} failed -- expected '$4', got '$o'"
559 then err_exit "i='$1'; \${i/~($2)($3)/\\(\\1\\)} failed -- expected '$4', got '$o'"
565 x='a<2b|>c<3d|\>e' LC_ALL=debug $SHELL -c 'test "${x:0:1}" == a || err_exit ${x:0:1} should be a'
566 x='a<2b|>c<3d|\>e' LC_ALL=debug $SHELL -c 'test "${x:1:1}" == "<2b|>" || err_exit ${x:1:1} should be <2b|>'
567 x='a<2b|>c<3d|\>e' LC_ALL=debug $SHELL -c 'test "${x:3:1}" == "<3d|\\>" || err_exit ${x:3:1} should be <3d|\>'
568 x='a<2b|>c<3d|\>e' LC_ALL=debug $SHELL -c 'test "${x:4:1}" == e || err_exit ${x:4:1} should bee'
570 x='a<2b|>c<3d|\>e' LC_ALL=debug $SHELL -c 'test "${x: -1:1}" == e || err_exit ${x: -1:1} should be e'
571 x='a<2b|>c<3d|\>e' LC_ALL=debug $SHELL -c 'test "${x: -2:1}" == "<3d|\\>" || err_exit ${x: -2:1} == <3d|\>'
572 x='a<2b|>c<3d|\>e' LC_ALL=debug $SHELL -c 'test "${x:1:3}" == "<2b|>c<3d|\\>" || err_exit ${x:1:3} should be <2b|>c<3d|\>'
573 x='a<2b|>c<3d|\>e' LC_ALL=debug $SHELL -c 'test "${x:1:20}" == "<2b|>c<3d|\\>e" || err_exit ${x:1:20} should be <2b|>c<3d|\>e'
574 x='a<2b|>c<3d|\>e' LC_ALL=debug $SHELL -c 'test "${x#??}" == "c<3d|\\>e" || err_exit "${x#??} should be c<3d|\>e'
577 [[ "${x//~(E)\<.\>/}" == ' one and two' ]] || err_exit "\< and \> not working in with ere's"
581 } 2> /dev/null || err_exit '${x:i:j} fails when i > strlen(x)'
584 [[ $got == $'"B"' ]] || err_exit '"\"$I\"" fails when $I is empty string'
587 [[ $A == $A ]] || err_exit 'With A="|", [[ $A == $A ]] does not match'
591 [[ -v .sh.match[0] ]] || err_exit '[[ -v .sh.match[0] ]] should be true'
592 [[ -v .sh.match[3] ]] || err_exit '[[ -v .sh.match[3] ]] should be true'
593 [[ -v .sh.match[4] ]] && err_exit '[[ -v .sh.match[4] ]] should be false'
594 [[ ${[@]} == 4 ]] || err_exit "\${[@]} should be 4, not ${[@]}"
598 [[ ${ print -v .sh.match;} ]] && err_exit 'print -v should show .sh.match empty when there are no matches'
602 [[ ${##[0-9]} == 2 ]] || err_exit '${##[0-9]} should be 2 with $#==12'
603 [[ ${###[0-9]} == 2 ]] || err_exit '${###[0-9]} should be 2 with $#==12'
604 [[ ${#%[0-9]} == 1 ]] || err_exit '${#%[0-9]} should be 1 with $#==12'
605 [[ ${#%%[0-9]} == 1 ]] || err_exit '${#%%[0-9]} should be 1 with $#==12'
606 else err_exit '${##[0-9]} give syntax error'
612 } 2> /dev/null || err_exit $'tokenizer can\'t handle ${var op {..} }'
620 [[ $(print -v .sh.match) == "$exp" ]] || err_exit '.sh.match not correct with alternations'
626 [[ $(print -v .sh.match) == $'(\n\t[0]=a\n\t[1]=a\n\t[3]=a\n)' ]] || err_exit '.sh.match not sparse'
631 do err_exit "\${arr[@]:5} should not generate $v"
635 do err_exit "\${arr[@]:1:0} should not generate ${v:-empty_string}"
639 do err_exit "\${arr[@]:0:-1} should not generate ${v:-empty_string}"
645 do err_exit "\${@:5} should not generate $v"
649 do err_exit "\${@:1:0} should not generate ${v:-empty_string}"
653 do err_exit "\${@:0:-1} should not generate ${v:-empty_string}"
660 [[ ${.sh.match} == bbb ]] || err_exit '.sh.match wrong after ${s/~(E)b{2,4}/dummy}'
661 [[ $d == adummyc ]] || err_exit '${s/~(E)b{2,4}/dummy} not working'