Lines Matching refs:style

37  *	:DETAILS: style
103 style = tgz
314 package.auxiliary.$(style) += $(>:N=/*:T=F) $(>:N!=/*:C%^%$(INSTALLROOT)/%:T=F)
363 export.$(style) := $(@:/$$("\n")/ /G)
376 if "$(exe.$(style))" && "$(T)" == "bin/*([!./])"
381 elif "$(exe.$(style))" && "$(S)" == "bin/*([!./])"
384 install.$(style) := $(install.$(style):V)$("\n")install : $$(ROOT)/$(T)$("\n")$$(ROOT)/$(T) : $$(ARCH)/$(S)$("\n\t")cp $< $@
386 install.$(style) := $(install.$(style):V)$("\n\t")strip $@ 2>/dev/null
392 if "$(filter.$(style):V)"
393 filter.$(style) := $(filter.$(style):V)$$("\n")
395 filter.$(style) := $(filter.$(style):V);;$(F);$(X);usr/$(T)
410 postinstall.$(style) := $(@:V)
415 readme.$(style) := $(@:V)
450 if "$(exe.$(style))"
455 test.$(style) := $(test.$(style):V)$("\n")test : $(T:V)$("\n\t")$(@)
465 style := $(<)
467 source : .source.init .source.gen .source.$$(style)
478 : $(.init.$(style))
479 : $(details.$(style):V:R) :
540 error 3 $(style): source package style not supported yet
612 PACKAGEROOT= CYGWIN="$$CYGWIN ntsec binmode" bin/package make $(export.$(style))
614 $(install.$(style):V)
615 $(test.$(style):V)
619 $(readme.$(style):@?$$(readme.$$(style))$$("\n\n")??)To build binaries from source into the ./arch/`bin/package` tree run:
623 $(test.$(style):@?To test the binaries after building/installing run:$$("\n\n\t")make test$$("\n\n")??)To build and/or install the binaries run:
709 $(MAKE) $(package.mam) $(export.$(style):Q) > $tmp/$m.mam
729 $(MAKE) $(package.mam) $(export.$(style):Q) > $tmp/$m.mam
854 if [[ '$(PACKAGEDIR:B)' == '$(style)' ]]
1087 binary : .binary.init .binary.gen .binary.$$(style)
1102 : $(.init.$(style)) :
1103 : $(details.$(style):V:R) :
1147 error 3 $(style): binary package style not supported yet
1158 $(readme.$(style):@?$$("\n")$$(readme.$$(style))??)
1187 $(filter.$(style))
1189 if [[ '$(postinstall.$(style):V:O=1:?1??)' ]]
1192 $(postinstall.$(style))
1255 $(package.auxiliary.$(style):U:T=F:C%^$(INSTALLROOT)/%%:C%.*%echo ";;;$(INSTALLROOT)/&;&"$("\n")%)
1256 if [[ '$(PACKAGEDIR:B)' == '$(style)' ]]
1366 runtime : .runtime.init .runtime.gen .runtime.$$(style)
1381 : $(.init.$(style)) :
1382 : $(details.$(style):V:R) :
1426 error 3 $(style): runtime package style not supported yet
1442 $(package.auxiliary.$(style):U:T=F:C%^$(INSTALLROOT)/%%:C%.*%echo ";;;$(INSTALLROOT)/&;&"$("\n")%)