History log of /systemd/shell-completion/zsh/_systemd-inhibit
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
fb9d85b71ac1a9247af623f98f4e229fccd0fe7d 23-Jun-2015 Eric Cook <llua@gmx.com>

zsh-completion: _loginctl/_systemd/_systemd-inhibit improvements _loginctl: respects the verbose style. which allows a user to get the pre d5df0d950f8bc behavior of not showing a description for sessions and users, by default they aren't shown. zstyle ':completion:*' verbose true or zstyle ':completion:*:loginctl*:*' verbose true # or similar Will show the descriptions. zstyle ':completion:*' verbose true and zstyle ':completion:*:loginctl*:*' verbose false # or similar Won't show descriptions for loginctl only _systemd: complete pids for systemd-notify's --pid option. display a message of the expected argument for other options. _systemd-inhibit: complete block & delay for --mode display a message of the expected argument for --who/--why

298b9e23a6e21161a7fe486aab94944a58d5e90c 15-Aug-2013 William Giokas <1007380@gmail.com>

zsh_completion: Allow specifying multiple arguments Some of the options in systemd can take multiple arguments, such as systemctl's --type option. Previously, you would only be able to complete a single type after the -t, but now zsh will continue to complete the types, separating them by commas. systemd-inhibit's --what command has colon (:), and that has been taken into account.

67e654f83021a1b3ed55f4b75936d03591bf80c1 02-Aug-2013 William Giokas <1007380@gmail.com>

zsh_completion: Split out zsh _systemd-inhibit