History log of /sssd/src/sss_client/autofs/sss_autofs.exports
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
2cbdd12983eb85eddb90f64cfafb24eae5b448f4 06-Feb-2012 Jakub Hrozek <jhrozek@redhat.com>

AUTOFS: a client library This is the library the autofs client is using. automounter dlopen()s the library so there is no header file, no pkgconfig file and the library is in the libsss_autofs package, not in -devel. The library provides the following interface: * _sss_setautomntent() - select the map for processing * _sss_getautomntent_r() - iterates through key/value pairs in the selected map. The key is usually the mount point, the value is mount information (server:/export) * _sss_getautomntbyname_r() - returns value for a specific key. * _sss_endautomntent() deselect a map, clean up