History log of /sssd/src/lib/idmap/sss_idmap.exports
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
900778b5afd0143005cfd40cc67ad5086481f7ee 23-Nov-2016 Lukas Slebodnik <lslebodn@redhat.com>

TESTS: Check new line at end of file Reviewed-by: Nikolai Kondrashov <Nikolai.Kondrashov@redhat.com>

8babbeee01e67893af4828ddfc922ecac0be4197 20-Jan-2016 Pavel Reichl <preichl@redhat.com>

IDMAP: Add support for automatic adding of ranges Resolves: https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/ticket/2188 Reviewed-by: Sumit Bose <sbose@redhat.com>

f28b09f887870c10c8c611beee3c17eaa9ef74f3 09-Jul-2014 Lukas Slebodnik <lslebodn@redhat.com>

BUILD: Add version symbol files for public libraries. Version symbol files will help package systems to catch backward compatible changes (newly added functions) into library. The difference between libraries libsss_nss_idmap_test.so and libsss_nss_idmap.so is that the 1st library will not be installed and has more exported functions, which are necessary for mocking with cmocka for test sss_nss_idmap-test. Resolves: https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/ticket/2194 Reviewed-by: Sumit Bose <sbose@redhat.com> Reviewed-by: Jakub Hrozek <jhrozek@redhat.com>