History log of /sssd-io/src/tools/sss_obfuscate
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
37ea8e70fa13ff9ba563300fb15de0e5e6185d68 03-Feb-2016 Lukas Slebodnik <lslebodn@redhat.com>

PYTHON: Fix pep8 errors in sss_obfuscate src/tools/sss_obfuscate:12:1: E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1 src/tools/sss_obfuscate:29:80: E501 line too long (111 > 79 characters) src/tools/sss_obfuscate:35:1: E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1 src/tools/sss_obfuscate:47:80: E501 line too long (107 > 79 characters) src/tools/sss_obfuscate:50:13: E265 block comment should start with '# ' src/tools/sss_obfuscate:58:17: E265 block comment should start with '# ' src/tools/sss_obfuscate:107:5: E303 too many blank lines (2) Reviewed-by: Martin Basti <mbasti@redhat.com>

11496692da75a330de01d5f15b7183d2439efd3c 03-Feb-2016 Lukas Slebodnik <lslebodn@redhat.com>

PYTHON: sss_obfuscate should work with python3 Based on patch from: Steven W. Elling <ellingsw+29044@gmail.com> Resolves: https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/ticket/2937 Reviewed-by: Martin Basti <mbasti@redhat.com>

e8058322725ba050014777ee2484f7e833ab1e3a 13-Feb-2015 Lukas Slebodnik <lslebodn@redhat.com>

Remove strict requirements of python2 * fix hashbangs * remove strict requirements of python2 in build system Resolves: https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/ticket/2017 Reviewed-by: Petr Viktorin <pviktori@redhat.com>

73b68aa708e1ffa0e0ab5b021fa93ff3a0f484b1 18-Jun-2014 Lukas Slebodnik <lslebodn@redhat.com>

Use python2 in shebang for python scripts. https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/ticket/2356 The python scripts are not tested with python3 and /usr/bin/python can be symbolic link to python3 on some distributions. Reviewed-by: Sumit Bose <sbose@redhat.com>

764bda08267d867a30ceb07d398dc30be1f4b699 24-Mar-2011 Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh@redhat.com>

sss_obfuscate: abort on ctrl+c There is a python bug (http://bugs.python.org/issue11236) where getpass.getpass() does not throw KeyboardInterrupt on ctrl+c. This workaround is the closest we can get: if we detect the control character in the string that we read, we'll cancel.

675f529e1a0ada1b1a400a59465560ab88a6e24c 24-Mar-2011 Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh@redhat.com>

sss_obfuscate: Avoid traceback on ctrl+d

0a0d272844108fe3650a206c39dd4047f10003f2 03-Feb-2011 Gowrishankar Rajaiyan <gsr@redhat.com>

removing password option functionality

5daa8ae758349c0077fb5f664579809aa0ab4f78 03-Feb-2011 Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh@redhat.com>

Gracefully handle permission errors in sss_obfuscate

c9f6ca2ca7399c301853ff774c20883fef2b2267 03-Feb-2011 Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh@redhat.com>

Make the domain argument mandatory in sss_obfuscate It doesn't make sense to set a "default" domain. We should require that the domain always be specified.

8d00718b943ab8b326320feb50820f0663031817 17-Jan-2011 Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh@redhat.com>

Fix usability of sss_obfuscate command

530ba03ecabb472f17d5d1ab546aec9390492de1 08-Sep-2010 Jakub Hrozek <jhrozek@redhat.com>

sss_obfuscate tool A tool to add obfuscated passwords into the SSSD config file