History log of /sssd-io/src/man/include/experimental.xml
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
fe079dfc0779f154c11d5a3c8ff664f717a5de3d 28-Feb-2017 Lukas Slebodnik <lslebodn@redhat.com>

Use pagure links as a reference to upstream Reviewed-by: Fabiano FidĂȘncio <fidencio@redhat.com>

f7cfc227904771bccfda4f03f552923794dbb0c0 08-Jul-2011 Sumit Bose <sbose@redhat.com>

Add support for experimental features New experimental features should have their own configure switch to enable or disable them at compile time. Additionally they can check if the configure variable build_all_experimental_features is set and enable the feature. This variable will be set if the command line option --enable-all-experimental-features is used to configure sssd. This will make it easy to enable all experimental features. Experimental features should be marked in the man pages. To simplify this include/experimental.xml can be used.