added transformation (OWL to/from Java) support for JGrounding, which now can handle object types as parameters (if a transformer is given in the OWL-S grounding description)
inserted getNonLanguageIndividuals() in OWLModel inserted getClasses() in OWLModel renamed ReflectionHelpers into ReflectionUtils fixes in javaGrounding
bugfix in Java Grounding
new method getInputParameters() in javaAtomicGrounding
bugfixes in JavaGrounding
added some convenience methods for getting grounding parameters added interfaces, classes and converters for JavaVariable and JavaParameter for JavaGrounding added remove and delte functionality for groundings (NOT yet for upnp)
added getGroundingType() to interface AtomicGrounding and all implementors moved ProcessImpl from new (see last revision) package constructs back to base process package (error)
refactoring of ThreadedProcessExecutionEngine made interface ThreadedProcessExecutionListener deprecated new abstract class AbstractMonitor to have generalzied and partly empty implementation of ProcessMonitor adapted DefaultMonitor and SimpleMonitor to extend AbtstractMonitor instead implementing ProcessMonitor new class SimpleThreadedMonitor as base implementation for a monitor observing threaded executions added method getParentProcess() to interface ControlConstruct and its implementation ControlConstructImpl added getAtomicProcess/setAtomicProcess and getProcess/setProcess to ExecutionException added private variable Process process to ProcessExecutionEngine
Import of owl-s rev 6849 from