History log of /ontohub/lib/uri_fetcher.rb
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
cf44a17768d43920e482d2a7323f20a2c09ec6ae 11-Mar-2015 Eugen Kuksa <eugenk@informatik.uni-bremen.de>

Use restrucured GetCaller and PostCaller.

cf69fe79a484d63e038a66fae0ce9d4212be1b4c 16-Feb-2015 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

remove error-handler from initialize.

973da3de263e1a30614010272d82f3ff88d4ded2 16-Feb-2015 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

make try_error_handling take a block This way the method can determine itself whether error_handling was successful and call the block if appropriate.

f5adf4078e3b40c8072db8f6608697372846da60 16-Feb-2015 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

fix error_handler creation paradox In order to function correctly an error handler needs the instance of the caller (GetCaller for example). As the error handler however was supplied when creating the caller this would create an impossible paradox. So we'll use a public-setter for now.

82100ce1e7d4a5050e23256b055e80d9b0678266 16-Feb-2015 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

add ability to pass a error_handler to uri-getcall This should allow custom error handling for all types of errors that are not handled by the GetCaller itself.

7c4ed4e1eecf14f9a1c44fa6f9d339df49830ca9 29-Jan-2015 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

produce more useful message for UnfollowableRes.

7583003a059566b309c77c15e931641304b523a9 20-Oct-2014 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

add file-type comment.

11241b3271dd3ce1f89dcc418fa1cbc1c63e6a5a 20-Oct-2014 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

Include Errors into GetCaller for UriFetcher.

b542f7d1475fe2cb722f9e0fdf08f54c83a9f208 20-Oct-2014 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

start extracting uri-get-fetching into class Since a class should be more useful than a collection of loosely coupled methods we'll use an instantiable class for the more complex get-requests.

14446ef4d8181bc484358d51cd08c4ad6353bb2e 20-Oct-2014 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

add mechanism to handle unfollowableness Add a custom errorclass to uri-fetcher in order to detect and handle unfollowable responses. Unfollowable Response in our case actually means two things 1. the response does not have a location header set, which would be needed in order to follow the response to a different location. 2. the response itself is not a response which yields a body suitable for us. suitableness is determined through the overrideable has_actual_content? method.

c53b52986e31858575023886cdd7327fccd8949c 02-May-2014 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

improve uri fetcher error handling This includes some error classes, a default no-redirections-limit constant (which uses the value 1) and a specific TooManyRedirects error class, which also contains the previous response which we received before it all went to hell.

d9f8c4120bb7409b56e1ca212c23ff1428516348 05-Mar-2014 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

fix namespacing and method-name for uri-fetcher.

3554937a935585f1c6aea3e25895036cf3f74759 01-Feb-2014 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

add uri fetcher to fetch corresponding files we can either fetch them to memory or directly to the harddrive.