History log of /ontohub/lib/timeout_worker.rb
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
5e030779a41cf8d2c57e879987f9ef3d4ab20480 09-Nov-2015 Eugen Kuksa <eugenk@informatik.uni-bremen.de>

Remove unused constant.

54b874e5f2464414e09aa63cffa49e236b2a3eaf 07-Aug-2014 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

change determination of final state for timeout.

1a7c903d7c95e94f306f7a41de9f6d607448dbe3 04-Aug-2014 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

declare queues for workers explicitly.

4849e4742181b0da356908dbfd1277d92151d170 04-Aug-2014 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

handle non-existence during timeout If an ontology version can't be found it probably does not exist, so we can't timeout on it.

0d06a8dfbe6f58b18edfdec89948be9af4f8ea79 16-Jun-2014 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

rely on sidekiqs scheduling mechanism Instead of second-guessing sidekiq by checking the timeout again (and considering that sidekiq basically checks it the same way we were doing it), we rely on sidekiqs scheduling mechanism.

935454c98226156eac882ac6dff3ccaab9275339 16-Jun-2014 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

adjust timeout worker for rescheduling Utilize Sidekiqs scheduling capability. Also allow rescheduling if timeout was not yet reached.

25fded88391e73fd7a1306bb1da1c24232f94cfd 16-Jun-2014 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

add convenience methods for timeout-clock.

0ecda7b6d4c088c8a91303bb1c833df2bd26832d 16-Jun-2014 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

add TimeoutWorker Tests should be green. Also StateUpdater methods are not protected anymore (we should be able to manipulate the state from outside of the model).