History log of /ontohub/lib/hets/version_caller.rb
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
dd0506cc85faf35143d88d3547a5f432e812128b 29-Jan-2015 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

use readable constants for HTTP-response type In order to decide how the HTTP response of a Hets::Caller should be served, we'll use speaking constant names.

511ba3e3d7deb4a13a03ce522a99a0395acc61b7 20-Oct-2014 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

perform proposed hound-style fixes.

3856b7bdf70cec553e0ca01ca823c7fc555a06f0 20-Oct-2014 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

adjust parsing to work with io/tempfile instance In order for the API-system to work properly we'll need to work with the streamed Tempfile. So instead of working with filepaths we'll need to pass io-instances to parsing-processes.

ddcf1a7ed9d595e97418e9bc607184006e57d606 20-Oct-2014 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

add hets-version-caller into the mix The VersionCaller can retrieve the version of a running hets-instance by calling the restful API. It also serves as a sort of heartbeat in order to determine whether the hets-instance is reachable (internally called 'up').