History log of /ontohub/lib/hets/hets_error_process.rb
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
97551a5a6ac54562463db095b9c264f4ebcf1cca 12-Aug-2016 Eugen Kuksa <kuksa.eugen@gmail.com>

Hotfix Hets error handling. (#1771)

00d7f5932301d951da2b4f717fb740ed455b65bc 04-Dec-2015 Eugen Kuksa <eugenk@informatik.uni-bremen.de>

Fix error header codes.

12c76f383e0e4ab0d86e6d82f90c6228b9244f5a 30-Sep-2015 Till Mossakowski <till@communtu.de>

added 500 to list of Hets error codes

42cfec926f86727e7560cc5f354f352e2cd9920c 01-Apr-2015 Eugen Kuksa <eugenk@informatik.uni-bremen.de>

Let HetsErrorProcess recognize errors of `prove` In the `dg` command, hets outputs: "*** Error: <message>" and in the `prove` command, hets outputs: "*** Error: <message>" So the `\Z` in the regexp is removed and the error message includes the first line without the prefix "*** Error:"

4a096c9fd8eefcdabba97bdb0e4737b2b5e8abbf 16-Feb-2015 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

obey hound and make hound obey.

e5908e8c47775180a995126e50d3ea55b3075c62 16-Feb-2015 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

add basic hets error process handling.