History log of /ontohub/lib/hets/base_evaluator.rb
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
07c47658a0854386f9e4b3455dc19e0a4ca79dd9 09-Apr-2015 Eugen Kuksa <eugenk@informatik.uni-bremen.de>

Fix error handling of BaseEvaluator When restructuring the evaluation, I forgot to put the rescue block cancelling the concurrency handling into the ConcurrentEvaluator.

69905ef9f951245465b09c8c011da40f74990c02 31-Mar-2015 Eugen Kuksa <eugenk@informatik.uni-bremen.de>

Rename attribute hets_evaluator to importer.

3407c0b97da0657ff73896aebe9d98f5d0896ce2 31-Mar-2015 Eugen Kuksa <eugenk@informatik.uni-bremen.de>

Move concurrency handling to a separate class The new ConcurrentEvaluator is only used for Ontology parsing. It has all the functionality that the BaseEvaluator had before. The new BaseEvaluator, however, is the base class for the ProveEvaluator and does not contain any concurrency handling which renders the concurrency reladed methods in the ProveEvaluator needless.

5891cd95214be47d8b6c34e8aeb6c6534b130a81 11-Mar-2015 Eugen Kuksa <eugenk@informatik.uni-bremen.de>

Allow to overwrite BaseEvaluator's methods.

022df7f893582e7e8efffce816ae27f6d1015766 11-Mar-2015 Eugen Kuksa <eugenk@informatik.uni-bremen.de>

Move Ontology parser to DG module A Prove module will be added for parsing of the prove-command output.