History log of /ontohub/git/lib/init.rb
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
f35e888435be4e803bf73937cb5f173050a172e6 08-May-2014 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

use STDERR consistently across git shell.

ec61f6f64207b4168960fcd645b1362d86fdecca 08-May-2014 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

add safety-net error messages for ssh/git.

435785c59d6d0325778f1e243ed7dc65eb860490 26-Feb-2014 Julian Kornberger <juliank@tzi.de>

Load paths fixed Use bundler instead of hard coded paths. solves #665

d04955d5d7d9676fcef3a3c37fa9baeb658464c1 31-Oct-2013 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

remove strange working_copy.pies config-entry.

1de8dcc1c604f31a2e2a0bced7bbf8e74d393fa5 31-Oct-2013 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

Remove unnecessary OntohubConfig and refactor.

35064a1f4f9ff7fe94e6712767cd91a8e79a47b7 31-Oct-2013 Tim Reddehase <robustus@rightsrestricted.com>

move git logger into init file Also fix the requirement of being in the directory of the file, when loading init.rb.

b27c7f227c8516589a2bd127c0f74338cf56f0b2 28-Oct-2013 Julian Kornberger <juliank@tzi.de>

One step more towards SSH access

c3a6c336056933aaedbf12520434a95a9ce1ea5c 15-Aug-2013 Julian Kornberger <juliank@tzi.de>

git shell and git hooks added