History log of /ontohub/config/settings/test.yml
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
e8ec59dda8f903e81cb5cceaef93d20a0812fc77 01-Jul-2016 Eugen Kuksa <eugenk@informatik.uni-bremen.de>

982 error this iri is already being processed (#1697) * Add expiration parameter to Semaphore After the expiration, the semaphore is unlocked. This allows dead processes (e.g. by kill -9) to release the lock again. * Namespace the redis semaphore at ontohub:semaphore. * Code style. * Code style: use class << self block. * Add concurrency testing gem. * Completely revamp Semaphore * Put it into the same redis-namespace as sidekiq. * Add method to check if a lock is closed. * Namespace semaphores even deeper. Checking if a lock is closed is not an atomic operation. To make it atomic, we put the check into a mutexed part. In order to really exclude the locking and unlocking from this mutexed check, these two operations must be mutexed as well with the same key (LOCK_ACTION_KEY). Unfortunately, using many threads/processes in an example makes the test suite hang. This is because of celluloid. Maybe we can unskip the example after upgrading to sidekiq 4 and dropping sidetiq. * Add settings keys for Redis. * Use redis namespace setting for Semaphore. * Share redis connections between Sidekiq and Semaphore When all connections are in use, any Redis call will block until a connection is freed. Sidekiq is now namespaced deeper in order to prevent conflicts with the semaphore. * Fix locked? and perform_exclusively signatures. * Add lock and unlock methods. * Use separate redis namespaces for our environments. * Use Semaphore only if not testing * Use Semaphore when parsing an Ontology * Remove not needed method perform_async_on_queue. * Refactor all the Worker classes for parsing Now, all comes down to the new OntologyParsingWorker. It performs on a queue of triples containing the version id, options for the version and the try_count (number of the next parsing attempt). If parsing a version fails, it is put back to the queue (at the end), with an incremented try_count. If this happens too often for the same version, it is given to the SequentialOntologyParsingWorker that only parses one OntologyVersion at a time. The OntologyParsingPriorityWorker is a more elegant way to use the priotitized queue. All the background parsing is now performed via the OntologyParsingWorker or its subclasses. * Be explicit about the namespace. * Obey Hound.

/ontohub/Gemfile /ontohub/Gemfile.lock /ontohub/app/models/hets_instance.rb /ontohub/app/models/ontology_version/parsing.rb /ontohub/app/models/sine_axiom_selection.rb /ontohub/config/initializers/redis_pool.rb /ontohub/config/initializers/sidekiq.rb /ontohub/config/settings.yml development.yml test.yml /ontohub/lib/base_worker.rb /ontohub/lib/hets/concurrent_evaluator.rb /ontohub/lib/hets/dg/importer.rb /ontohub/lib/hets/dg/node_evaluator.rb /ontohub/lib/hets_instance_force_free_worker.rb /ontohub/lib/ontology_batch_parse_worker.rb /ontohub/lib/ontology_parsing_priority_worker.rb /ontohub/lib/ontology_parsing_worker.rb /ontohub/lib/ontology_saver.rb /ontohub/lib/proof_evaluation_state_updater.rb /ontohub/lib/proof_execution_worker.rb /ontohub/lib/repository_update_worker.rb /ontohub/lib/semaphore.rb /ontohub/lib/sequential_ontology_batch_parse_worker.rb /ontohub/lib/sequential_ontology_parsing_worker.rb /ontohub/lib/sequential_worker.rb /ontohub/lib/settings_validation_wrapper.rb /ontohub/lib/tasks/data.rake /ontohub/lib/worker.rb /ontohub/spec/lib/access_token_deletion_worker_spec.rb /ontohub/spec/lib/ontology_batch_parse_worker_spec.rb /ontohub/spec/lib/repository/git_repository_spec.rb /ontohub/spec/lib/semaphore_spec.rb /ontohub/spec/lib/worker_spec.rb /ontohub/spec/models/repository/git_spec.rb
6bbb71b52f053c148669e5b128e236781150da1f 07-Jan-2016 Eugen Kuksa <eugenk@informatik.uni-bremen.de>

Add setting for git_ssh path.

787127631abcd463c471486a393ec0981d3ab9b7 07-Jan-2016 Eugen Kuksa <eugenk@informatik.uni-bremen.de>

Rename symlink_path setting to git_daemon_path.

b193b60354ad3bef7d3783b3bf676a5641362358 09-Jul-2015 Eugen Kuksa <eugenk@informatik.uni-bremen.de>

Remove git_home settings key.

250e5c1ec05ffb6d1b933f913c3c65934b206957 27-Apr-2015 Eugen Kuksa <eugenk@informatik.uni-bremen.de>

Make Settings.paths.git_home configurable.

e5b8591fc3e19ccd4a33757ebcabff27b4ca01ce 08-Apr-2015 Eugen Kuksa <eugenk@informatik.uni-bremen.de>

Add paths settings, simplify paths initializer.

736e78aff9e67436c35d4835c24fca667f3cadf3 10-Apr-2013 Julian Kornberger <juliank@tzi.de>

rails_config and exception_notification added