History log of /ontohub/app/models/loc_id_base_model.rb
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
7504caafc305ac4cc1cf9973810e30117039f9f8 08-Aug-2016 Tom Gehrke <phyrog@cognitive-coding.com>

specific type migration

5ee4595ae73f8c694a55b4ab3ac54c52c0c3aed8 08-Aug-2016 Tom Gehrke <phyrog@cognitive-coding.com>

Preload locids for all models that have locids

5a102b3c56d4ac75632c7e9244ee0ce5bdbbf13a 01-Jul-2016 Sascha Graef <sgraef@informatik.uni-bremen.de>

Improve locId (#1618) * introduce new model to ontohub * introduce new locid behavior * adding try to prevent undefined method for nil * generate the locids by object creation * introduce method to simulate an attribute * generate Locids correctly for ontologies * correct creation of child_ontology locids * remove old uniqueness validation for ontology locid * use better names vor locidportion * correct behaviour for locid creation * generate loc_id correctly for ontology * use correct class for inherritanc * remove locids on deletion of objects * rename the base model * introduce data-migration to move the locids * remove double naming in the cat ontology * obey hound * correct behaviour of external repository for locid * change factory behaviour for locid * fix missing comma * begin to fix test * change ontology factory to new locid * change factories for new LocId Model * remove unneeded test * Use proper class retrieval in factories. * Always use to_s on the class call in LocIdBaseModel. * Always use .class.to_s instead of .class when used for the database. * Fix external repository. * Be clean and unstub again. * Fix sentence factory. * Quick fix the destruction of locids. * Fix code style. * Generate locids during create process: Base class. * Generate locids during create process: Mapping. * Generate locids during create process: Sentence. * Generate locids during create process: Symbol. * Generate locids during create process: ProofAttempt. * Generate locids during create process: ProverOutput. * Generate locids during create process: Ontology #1. * Generate locids during create process: Ontology #2. * Generate locids during create process: Ontology #3. * Generate locids during create process: Factories. * Fix seeds errors. * Fix ontology spec on error while parsing The ontology needs to be reloaded because sidekiq does so as well. It always fetches a fresh record from the database. The test failed before because `NodeEvaluationHelper#clean_ontology` called destroy on all the ontology's symbols which existed in the object, but were not really persisted because of an aborted transaction. * Remove redundant space. * Move comment to the correct line. * Fix worker_spec In the production code, the locid is never set before saving the ontology. * Add gems pry-stack_explorer, awesome_print for debugging purposes. * Only start hets if there was a hets error and rollback the changes. * Destroy dependent prover output. * Fix ProofAttempt factory. * Rename assorted_object to specific and fix migration. * Fix migration code style. * Reanalyze ontologies with duplicate locids. * Fix code style. * Remove redundancies. * Remove useless association. * Obey Hound. * Directly query in the LocIdBaseModel. * Add locid routing feature. * Cache LocId query results This should speed up the routing in a great extent. For each matching `specified_get`, the LocIdRouterConstraint fetched the element once from the database. This resulted in 8 times the same SQL query for a ProofAttempt. The implemented cache reduces this to a single query. * Clear the elements cache periodically to prevent memory leaks. * Add missing dependent: :destroy. * Add Recreating repository feature. * Combine if statements. * Change Given to When. * Catch ambiguous locid error. * Fix i18n key usage. * Fix code style. * Comment on error suppression. * Add spec for Syntax Error. * Use single-quoted strings. * Fix error message check: language. * Keep parameter assignment DRY. * Rename RecreatingRepository feature to Repository. * Use local_variable_get instead of eval. * Change locid column type to text. * Implement (implicit) down-migration. * Implement (explicit) down migration. * Add migration to create missing locids. * Fix nil error. * Really fix nil error. * Fix migration. * Fix sentence migration accessing association. * Force old Mappings to have a name. * Add missing locids to symbols.

/ontohub/Gemfile /ontohub/Gemfile.lock loc_id.rb loc_id_base_model.rb mapping.rb ontology.rb ontology/associations_and_attributes.rb ontology/class_methods_and_scopes.rb ontology/mappings.rb ontology/sentences.rb ontology/symbols.rb ontology/validations.rb ontology_member/symbol.rb proof_attempt.rb prover_output.rb sentence.rb /ontohub/config/locales/en.yml /ontohub/db/data/20160310132620_move_loc_id_to_own_model_data.rb /ontohub/db/migrate/20160110133824_create_loc_ids.rb /ontohub/db/migrate/20160310132618_enter_name_for_mappings.rb /ontohub/db/migrate/20160310132619_create_missing_locids.rb /ontohub/db/migrate/20160310132620_move_loc_id_to_own_model.rb /ontohub/db/seeds/040-git.rb /ontohub/features/LocId.feature /ontohub/features/LocIdRouting.feature /ontohub/features/Repository.feature /ontohub/features/step_definitions/loc_id_routing_steps.rb /ontohub/features/step_definitions/loc_id_steps.rb /ontohub/features/step_definitions/repository_steps.rb /ontohub/features/support/env.rb /ontohub/lib/external_repository.rb /ontohub/lib/hets/dg/node_evaluation_helper.rb /ontohub/lib/hets/dg/node_evaluator.rb /ontohub/lib/hets/errors.rb /ontohub/lib/ontology_saver.rb /ontohub/lib/permissionable.rb /ontohub/lib/router_constraints.rb /ontohub/spec/controllers/api/v1/proof_attempts_controller_spec.rb /ontohub/spec/controllers/api/v1/prover_outputs_controller_spec.rb /ontohub/spec/factories/axiom_factory.rb /ontohub/spec/factories/mapping_factory.rb /ontohub/spec/factories/mapping_version_factory.rb /ontohub/spec/factories/ontology_factory.rb /ontohub/spec/factories/proof_attempt_factory.rb /ontohub/spec/factories/sentence_factory.rb /ontohub/spec/factories/symbol_factory.rb /ontohub/spec/factories/theorem_factory.rb /ontohub/spec/fixtures/ontologies/casl/sentence_and_symbol_with_same_name.casl /ontohub/spec/hets_helper.rb /ontohub/spec/lib/ontology_batch_parse_worker_spec.rb /ontohub/spec/lib/worker_spec.rb /ontohub/spec/models/ontology_spec.rb /ontohub/spec/models/ontology_version/parsing_spec.rb /ontohub/spec/support/common_helper_methods.rb /ontohub/spec/support/fixtures_generation/pipeline_generator.rb