History log of /inkscape/packaging/wix/inkscape.wxs
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
ff60c00ae6c10a27d5029f461db41892e304e023 15-Mar-2015 theAdib <theadib@gmail.com>

fix #1418595: win32, wix, allow upgrade, no downgrade

812e0ac46aad22171d7de89880b71dca7a1430b3 08-Feb-2015 theAdib <theadib@gmail.com>

win packaging, fix for 1418598, writing to wrong registry key, update .bat to current version of wix 3.9

0c9d8505e43c40eec561a492d2b0771706a4bc0c 07-Jan-2015 theAdib <theadib@gmail.com>

fix for #1399720, win32 msi packaging error on .svg extension registration

bcc644ed4b96a8e80421b996bb2c76c77b552525 18-Sep-2014 bryce <bryce@ubuntu.com>

win32 packaging: Fix capitalization of "register file extensions" Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/1365927

af0cfee8fa966c5ba92af702cfc17c92898d8e26 23-Jun-2014 theadib <theadib@gmail.com>

win32 wix install creator: use version and architecture info from src/inkscape.rc and inkscape/inkscape.exe, create inkscape-#version#-x64.msi on 64bit target

f5bfbb0b97a5f1602e9379f3d431f59902d188c2 04-Dec-2012 theAdib <theadib@gmail.com>

wix installer: create msi filename from version sing in src/inkscape.rc, add wix files to dist target

1697b9674a1511df55fc83bcd74c507ccdee3ec5 26-Nov-2012 theAdib <theadib@gmail.com>

wix installer: added artwork (from nsis) - now needs wix 3.7

3ccb10e19925ccac46a3d8b7e08dad171f925bd9 22-Nov-2012 theAdib <theadib@gmail.com>

wix installer: assign svg file extension to inkscape

3a0760a0ffbee7fe5eb72ac8f16ef9b53340fccd 21-Nov-2012 theAdib <theadib@gmail.com>

wix installer: remove debug information from msi package, add GPL text to license page

134317cfacab36327a4792fbb7206310a4ade107 15-Nov-2012 theAdib <theadib@gmail.com>

add wix scripts to nuild win32 .msi package