6677657 smb_list.c shouldn't exist 6840819 zfs does not automount directories after the pool is restored 6953725 sporadic syseventd core dump during lun expansion due to double free 6962880 erroneous creation date in usr/src/cmd/mdb/Makefile.common copyright 6963174 user-land libraries shouldn't directly compile uts/common/os/list.c --HG-- rename : usr/src/uts/common/os/list.c => usr/src/common/list/list.c
6908185 ilbadm and libilb include debug information which changes every build 6916798 ilbd include debug information which changes every build
PSARC 2008/575 ILB: Integrated L3/L4 Load balancer 6882718 in-kernel simple L3/L4 load balancing service should be provided in Solaris 6884202 ipobs_hook() in ip_input() invalidates DB_REF assumption