History log of /httpd/docs/docroot/index.html
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
f12f463f03c9f09986ddde3cf8cf197c4ec5fbe0 546221 11-Jun-2007 slive

I doubt adding a newline to the end of the file is going to hurt anyone. PR: 42615

88bfc4f65341e5f58a554ab3b1b7d725df41cd54 105393 06-Oct-2004 slive

As the first stage of a simplification of the default config in 2.1 (only!), I'm going to remove all the html files under httpd-2.1/docs/docroot/ and replace them with an index.html file containing only <html><body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html> I'm going to do this because: 1. The old welcome page is a constant source of confusion to random web surfers who stumble on unconfigured apache installs. 2. New users, when finding on a docroot with dozens of files, are often confused about where to put their own content. 3. The international welcome page is a large source of bug reports from people wanting to tweak grammar or provide new translations. 4. This will allow us to simplify the default config by removing the config stuff necessary to handle the typemap.