History log of /hets/PGIP/GraphQL/Result/Conjecture.hs
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
abdc8c3bcf5b761e9bebf51e6ba2bce659d29512 08-Apr-2018 Eugen Kuksa <kuksa.eugen@gmail.com>

Reasoning with database (#1836) * First step towards saving reasoning results in the database. * Add first steps of SInE premise selection. * Try again with 'flattenComorphism'. * Improve SInE implementation. * Adjust GraphQL resolvers to new action field. * Fix rebasing mistakes. * Fix timeLimit. * moved let variables to where clause with scoped type vars * Fix errors in reasoning. * Fix some more errors in SInE. * fixed typing problems * Debug Reasoning. * Fix compile-time errors. * Mode debugging. * made coercion type safe * Remove commented code. * Re-implement proving for the REST interface. * Cleanup. * Fix SInE selection. * Cleanup. * Fix SInE. * Fix provers command. * Fix column name. * Remove commented out code. * Capture consistency checker output. * Obey Review. * Obey review. * Obey Review. * Refactor buildReasoningCache. * Add name to LogicTranslation and get rid of compiler warnings. * Save all sentences in the database instead of only local ones. * Rename column to make it more compact. * Add name to LogicInclusion. * Save used sentences of a proof attempt.

/hets/Common/Timing.hs /hets/PGIP/GraphQL/Resolver/OMS.hs /hets/PGIP/GraphQL/Resolver/ToResult.hs Action.hs Conjecture.hs ReasoningAttempt.hs /hets/PGIP/GraphQL/exampleQueries/oms.graphql /hets/PGIP/Output/Proof.hs /hets/PGIP/Output/Provers.hs /hets/PGIP/Query.hs /hets/PGIP/ReasoningParameters.hs /hets/PGIP/Server.hs /hets/PGIP/Shared.hs /hets/Persistence/DevGraph.hs /hets/Persistence/FileVersion.hs /hets/Persistence/LogicGraph.hs /hets/Persistence/Reasoning.hs /hets/Persistence/Reasoning/PremiseSelectionSInE.hs /hets/Persistence/Schema.hs /hets/Persistence/Schema/ConsistencyStatusType.hs /hets/Persistence/Schema/Enums.hs /hets/Persistence/Schema/ReasoningStatusOnConjectureType.hs /hets/Persistence/Schema/ReasoningStatusOnReasoningAttemptType.hs /hets/Persistence/Utils.hs /hets/_parameters
649fdc0d0502d62d160c150684356fef2c273484 11-Feb-2018 Eugen Kuksa <kuksa.eugen@gmail.com>

1811 provide graphql api (#1829) * Fixme (Remove 'True') - Add GraphQL starting point to the web server. * Add GraphQL Schema. * Experiment with the graphql-api package. * Remove the graphql-api package again. * Respond with GraphQL mimics. * Add types for GraphQL mimicking. * Add example queries. * Add proof of concept database fetching. * Add Signature query resolver. * Add SignatureMorphism query resolver. * Add missing key to result JSON. * Add Serialization resolver. * Split code for conversion and retrieval of data. * Fix indentation. * Add OMS query. * Add DGraph query. * Remove commit and document from example queries. * Remove GraphQLApi constructor again. * Save libenv to database via RESTful interface. * Fix line lengths * as library name, ensure a URL containing, in case of file://, an absolute file path * correction: urls should not be treated as file path * avoid re-reading for xmi and qvt; corrected computation of full filename * strip file:// prefix for OWL parser * strip file:// prefix for QVT parser * introduced utility function tryToStripPrefix * strip file:// when writing files

/hets/CSMOF/ParseXmiAsLibDefn.hs /hets/Common/Utils.hs /hets/Driver/Options.hs /hets/Driver/ReadFn.hs /hets/Driver/ReadLibDefn.hs /hets/Driver/WriteFn.hs /hets/Driver/WriteLibDefn.hs /hets/GUI/GtkProverGUI.hs /hets/Hets.cabal /hets/Interfaces/Utils.hs /hets/OWL2/ParseOWL.hs /hets/OWL2/ParseOWLAsLibDefn.hs /hets/OWL2/Taxonomy.hs /hets/PGIP/GraphQL.hs /hets/PGIP/GraphQL/Resolver.hs /hets/PGIP/GraphQL/Resolver/DGraph.hs /hets/PGIP/GraphQL/Resolver/OMS.hs /hets/PGIP/GraphQL/Resolver/Serialization.hs /hets/PGIP/GraphQL/Resolver/Signature.hs /hets/PGIP/GraphQL/Resolver/SignatureMorphism.hs /hets/PGIP/GraphQL/Resolver/ToResult.hs /hets/PGIP/GraphQL/Result.hs Axiom.hs Conjecture.hs ConservativityStatus.hs DGraph.hs DocumentLink.hs FileRange.hs IdReference.hs Language.hs LanguageMapping.hs Library.hs LocIdReference.hs Logic.hs LogicMapping.hs Mapping.hs NativeDocument.hs OMS.hs OMSSimple.hs PremiseSelection.hs Reasoner.hs ReasonerConfiguration.hs ReasonerOutput.hs ReasoningAttempt.hs Sentence.hs Serialization.hs Signature.hs SignatureMorphism.hs StringReference.hs Symbol.hs SymbolMapping.hs /hets/PGIP/GraphQL/exampleQueries/dgraph.graphql /hets/PGIP/GraphQL/exampleQueries/oms.graphql /hets/PGIP/GraphQL/exampleQueries/serialization.graphql /hets/PGIP/GraphQL/exampleQueries/signature.graphql /hets/PGIP/GraphQL/exampleQueries/signatureMorphism.graphql /hets/PGIP/Server.hs /hets/PGIP/Shared.hs /hets/Persistence/DevGraph.hs /hets/Persistence/Schema.hs /hets/Persistence/Utils.hs /hets/QVTR/ParseQvtAsLibDefn.hs /hets/Static/AnalysisLibrary.hs /hets/stack.yaml