History log of /forgerock/openidm-v4/openidm-zip/src/main/resources/security/truststore
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
36cec39e526f0e72723c7645181bac09e726b94f 17-Dec-2014 Jason Lemay <jason.lemay@forgerock.com>

OPENIDM-1530 CR-5683 Create the default entry in the truststore if it doesn't already exist

66c1907fe9a42a5e5536e5852e4cb66ece550900 09-Jun-2014 Chris Drake <chris.drake@forgerock.com>

OPENIDM-1520 Compromised Root CA in truststore

e0e8c49d750792cfa37500f33e7c9273bab566ab 18-Nov-2013 Nicolas Philippe <nicolas.philippe@forgerock.com>

OPENIDM-1520 : the truststore that ships with OpenIDM contains a root CA authority (Comodo) that has been compromised and cannot be trusted for secure communications. So the certificate addtrustclass1ca was removed from the truststore.

dedea1c74ef770604ee181088cedc7bd891486ba 14-Oct-2011 Andi Egloff <andi.egloff@forgerock.com>

Enable jetty to use OpenIDM keystore and truststore configuration. Delegate all http server confgiuration to jetty.xml.