History log of /forgerock/opendj2/lib/launcher_administrator.exe
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
386eb5e2f6ec332c6b75fe42e75378332478daa5 8705 08-Apr-2013 ludo

Fix for OPENDJ-617. Resolve race condition in Windows Services when stopping the server.

38160baefcdba1ef9f92825eab0281bc930d0220 6886 19-May-2011 ludo

Fix OPENDJ-161 - Update windows executables

551c6d67504b98cefa6ea28db383787d7669fdca 6408 27-May-2010 ludovicp

Fix for issue #4554 - Potential problems using Windows Service during startup. The fix consists on waiting in the service code to the start-ds.bat call to finish (the re-entrant one). This avoids having a race condition problem locking the file (as can happen today). There is a new environment variable that can be configured (OPENDS_WINDOWS_SERVICE_STARTDS_WAIT). The default value is 300000 milliseconds (5 minutes). This is the maximum time in milliseconds the service code will wait for the server to start before checking directly its status. Also update setup.bat and uninstall.bat to return an error code when called in CLI mode.

ed285c0f289a6b95ecc8f2dad10b14b1c6255f38 6356 18-Jan-2010 jvergara

Fix for issue 4084 (Windows Service doesn't detect start-ds failure) Improve the code of windows service to poll the status of the server (whether is running or not). Improve some of the messages associated with the events that are sent to the windows service log. Improve the code that is in charge of starting the service (and the server) to help identify cases where the server startup is correctly launched but the startup itself fails (because for instance a port of the server is already in use).

926b270279edb1f92506d6517f2ca765a727c7dc 4592 07-Nov-2008 jvergara

Fix for issue 3566 (Increase the timeout of the windows service and consider making it configurable). The fix increases the number of tries used to figure out if the server is started or not. This is required in particular after reboot since the system can be really loaded. The user can modify the default tries value (100 tries with an interval of 5 seconds between tries) by setting the value of the OPENDS_WINDOWS_SERVICE_START_NTRIES environment variable (it must be a SYSTEM environment variable in order to be taken into account).

6908c4be57244375da267ecda733740b251c417d 4423 05-Jul-2008 jvergara

Fix for issue 3461 (winlauncher should not inherit handlers from parent process) The fix consists in setting the inheritance flag of tderr/stdout/stdin of the parent process to FALSE before creating the child process.

797b7557ad71a61ffb72a68f4457a3d999e7e252 2428 18-Jul-2007 jvergara

Fix for issue 1603 (quickInstall fails to register service on vista) With the new user access control of Vista, even if we are administrators we are not allowed to do certain operations (such as writing in the service registry) in some circumstances. For instance if we launch net start <service_name> from a normal command prompt this will fail systematically. In order to be able to execute these "privileged" operations we have different alternatives: Execute the binary that will do the operations using the "Run as Administrator" option in Vista (or launching them from a command prompt that has been started using that same option). Add a manifest to the binary informing that the binary requires administrator privileges. The first alternative is one of the workarounds for the bug, however it does not apply to the case of the Java Web Start Installer. The second alternative is in what consists the bug fix. A new binary has been created. This binary has a manifest informing that it requires administrator privileges. This binary will be used in Vista as a wrapper to call operations that require administrator privileges (modifying the registry in windows-services.bat command line and calling "net start" and "net stop"). If the user is running the setup, the status-panel using the "Run as Administrator" option or is using the command lines from a command prompt launched with that option the behavior in Vista does not change with the behavior in previous versions of Windows. If the UAC is enabled and the user is not using the "Run as Administrator" options, (s)he will be prompted for confirmation each time the registry is modified and the server is started or stopped as a service. The wrapper is called on any of the individual operations. An alternative would be to call the wrapper when we launch the setup or the status-panel but this generates some issues: 1. This does not work (directly) with the Java Web Start installer. 2. This would force users that are not administrators to provide administrator credentials even to install/run an OpenDS that does not require to do privileged operations (an OpenDS that does not run as a service).

launcher_administrator.exe opends_service.exe winlauncher.exe /forgerock/opendj2/resource/bin/_client-script.bat /forgerock/opendj2/resource/bin/start-ds.bat /forgerock/opendj2/resource/bin/status-panel.bat /forgerock/opendj2/resource/setup.bat /forgerock/opendj2/resource/uninstall.bat /forgerock/opendj2/src/build-tools/windows/Makefile /forgerock/opendj2/src/build-tools/windows/README /forgerock/opendj2/src/build-tools/windows/common.c /forgerock/opendj2/src/build-tools/windows/launcher_administrator.exe.manifest /forgerock/opendj2/src/build-tools/windows/opends_service.exe.manifest /forgerock/opendj2/src/build-tools/windows/service.c /forgerock/opendj2/src/build-tools/windows/winlauncher.c /forgerock/opendj2/src/server/org/opends/server/tools/ConfigureWindowsService.java /forgerock/opendj2/src/server/org/opends/server/tools/StartWindowsService.java /forgerock/opendj2/src/server/org/opends/server/tools/StopWindowsService.java /forgerock/opendj2/src/server/org/opends/server/util/SetupUtils.java