History log of /dovecot/src/plugins/mailbox-alias/mailbox-alias-plugin.h
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
7313101ef0723c7b210e7b7bb5eb11d0d73d1b4d 18-Sep-2012 Timo Sirainen <tss@iki.fi>

Added mailbox-alias plugin. Aliases can be created like: plugin { mailbox_alias_old = Sent mailbox_alias_new = Sent Messages mailbox_alias_old2 = Sent mailbox_alias_new2 = Sent Items } When creating an alias, the original mailbox is also created. The alias itself is a symlink to the original. Deleting an alias deletes the symlink. The original mailbox can't be deleted or renamed while it has aliases. Aliases cannot be renamed. Aliases are skipped when recalculating quota. If a mailbox with the alias's name was already created before the aliasing was enabled, it's not treated as alias until it's first deleted.