Updated copyright notices to include the year 2018.
Updated copyright notices to include the year 2017.
global: freshen copyright git ls-files | xargs perl -p -i -e 's/(\d+)-201[0-5]/$1-2016/g;s/ (201[0-5]) Dovecot/ $1-2016 Dovecot/'
global: freshen copyright Robomatically: git ls-files | xargs perl -p -i -e 's/(\d+)-201[0-4]/$1-2015/g;s/ (201[0-4]) Dovecot/ $1-2015 Dovecot/' Happy 2015 everyone! Signed-off-by: Phil Carmody <phil@dovecot.fi>
Updated copyright notices to include year 2014.
Oops :) Update copyrights to 2013 without breaking all .c files.
Updated copyright notices to include year 2013.
Updated copyright notices to include year 2012.
Updated copyright notices to include year 2011.
Updated copyright notices to include year 2010. --HG-- branch : HEAD
utc_offset() was broken with year's first/last day if struct tm.tm_gmtoff didn't exist. --HG-- branch : HEAD
Updated copyright notices to include year 2009. --HG-- branch : HEAD
Updated copyright notices to include year 2008. --HG-- branch : HEAD
Replaced my Copyright notices. The year range always ends with 2007 now. My name was replaced with "Dovecot authors". In many cases I didn't really even own the copyright, so this is more correct. --HG-- branch : HEAD
Renamed __attr_*__ to ATTR_*. Renamed __attrs_used__ to ATTRS_DEFINED. --HG-- branch : HEAD
Removed most of the license comments from src/lib/*.c. It's just fine to keep them in a single COPYING.MIT file. Changed a few other comments as well. --HG-- branch : HEAD
comment cleanups --HG-- branch : HEAD
Fixes to timezone handling which were handling quite badly. added ioloop_timezone which gets updated with ioloop_time. Changed some GMT references to UTC. Timezone offsets are in minutes now everywhere instead of seconds. Fixes for unsigned time_t. --HG-- branch : HEAD