History log of /dovecot/src/lib/malloc-overflow.h
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
ae9c5dd897013aa8a3cab4fb356718f9a2bf47f5 10-Feb-2017 Timo Sirainen <timo.sirainen@dovecot.fi>

lib: Avoid unnecessary Coverity warnings in MALLOC_*() There doesn't seem to be any other nice way of avoiding these without separately marking every instance.

b716136fc47efd434d60be5db262b4013e375fa9 16-Dec-2016 Timo Sirainen <timo.sirainen@dovecot.fi>

lib: Add MALLOC_MULTIPLY() and MALLOC_ADD() These can be used for calculating memory allocation sizes. If there's an overflow, the macro panics.