History log of /dovecot/src/lib/istream-sized.h
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
422df9158f9e3a2d21060f0fee2a9588e925f20e 22-Feb-2017 Timo Sirainen <timo.sirainen@dovecot.fi>

lib: Added i_stream_create_min_sized*()

c3c423426093ffc01fa9967573a9b9e39f42c461 22-Feb-2017 Timo Sirainen <timo.sirainen@dovecot.fi>

lib: Added i_stream_create_sized_range() This is just a small wrapper to i_stream_create_sized() to specify stream's start offset.

574d36db88f15662529fb65da6fc8c5e4c8f12fa 23-Dec-2016 Timo Sirainen <timo.sirainen@dovecot.fi>

lib: istream-sized - set stream_errno=EPIPE if stream is too small

8e7ea029100177d5f4077d4062f18998ca5a1e27 28-Sep-2015 Timo Sirainen <tss@iki.fi>

lib: Added i_stream_create_sized_with_callback(). The callback returns the wanted error string.

72a16aec61030456d0217f91941314f2d4e2385b 10-Aug-2012 Timo Sirainen <tss@iki.fi>

istreams: When reading invalid data, fail with EINVAL instead of EIO. EINVAL was already used more.

c00c7161dbec6be950ca3596969d0a3019bb281b 28-Jun-2012 Timo Sirainen <tss@iki.fi>

Renamed istream-attachment to istream-sized. The code didn't really assume anything about the input being an attachment, so this allows reusing the stream for other purposes.