History log of /dovecot/src/lib-storage/list/mailbox-list-iter-private.h
Revision Date Author Comments Expand
d823c19df414cac96c7f50a6f78a13fd03bcb27e 25-Jul-2017 Timo Sirainen <timo.sirainen@dovecot.fi>

lib-storage: Hide and rmdir \NoSelect leaf mailboxes with NO-NOSELECT If the leaf is successfully rmdir()ed, rmdir() also its parents. This doesn't work perfectly with if there are multiple levels of \NoSelect mailboxes. For example with "a/b/c" the listing will already have returned "a" and "a/b" before it reaches the "a/b/c" code, which will rmdir all of them, but it's a bit too late at that point. It's too much work to fix though, and the situation will be fixed on the next list anyway.

f5836cc8a93f13c2aaecc8a5f1de6ec9488915b5 30-May-2017 Timo Sirainen <timo.sirainen@dovecot.fi>

lib-storage: Don't list duplicate autocreated mailboxes' parents

67cbe5d33fbb7e635120f1c9226c39e5dafc096a 30-May-2017 Timo Sirainen <timo.sirainen@dovecot.fi>

lib-storage: Add mailbox-list-iter-private.h with autocreate context structs Needed for the following ACL change.