4585. [port] win32: Set CompileAS value. [RT #42474] (cherry picked from commit 3742338a7b16e8a72ebf10ce5008657927c35cf9)
4487. [test] Make system tests work on Windows. [RT #42931]
4397. [bug] Update Windows python support. [RT #42538]
[master] removed /Gy- from VS project files 4302. [port] win32: fixed a build error in VS 2015. [RT #41426]
*.vcxproj.in should use CRLF as EOL
3738. [bug] --enable-openssl-hash failed to build. [RT #35343]
3681. [port] Update the Windows build system to support feature selection and WIN64 builds. This is a work in progress. [RT #34160]